It's not database wierdness per se, it's the fact that unless we compressed revisions the database would be much huger. Since ReplaceText look through the pages with MySQL REGEXP, it can't read gzipped pages.
InputBox should be reinstalled now.
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InputBox should be reinstalled now.
Quote: I really should learn more about the underpinnings of Mediawiki.It's a dark and lonesome road. Well, not really, it's actually well-designed, and sane for PHP code. Lots of hooks to attach functionality. We have a lot of custom extensions, and sometimes it's just good to know what we have going on. See Special:Version.
Quote:I'm not expecting anyone to give me a solution, since it's my damn code.Mediawiki itself changed. It's doing something crazy with login tokens now. This may give you some advice indirectly. And reading that page, it looks like I may be able to use Dai-Guard once again, now that the core software is fixed. My bot was definitely well-named. TL;DR you need to generate a bot password, which is different from the one to log in with because reasons.
But still.... this thing had no problems logging in 10 months ago.
What changed?
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