Now, if this follows the rules of a conventional detective story...
1) Quincy must be a character that we have already been introduced to in some way.
2) Quincy should be a character that we have considered, but dismissed for some reason.
3) Quincy should have some attributes, or his environment should, that should allow us to determine who he is.
Now, does any of that help, in any way? [grin]
BTW, I suspect that if you can work out what the reference to "Elizabeth" means, it will give a big clue.
"It is the business of the future to be dangerous" - Hawkwind
1) Quincy must be a character that we have already been introduced to in some way.
2) Quincy should be a character that we have considered, but dismissed for some reason.
3) Quincy should have some attributes, or his environment should, that should allow us to determine who he is.
Now, does any of that help, in any way? [grin]
BTW, I suspect that if you can work out what the reference to "Elizabeth" means, it will give a big clue.
"It is the business of the future to be dangerous" - Hawkwind