Quote:On a slight tangent, when I was playing Villains & Vigilantes many years ago with my group, Nightstalker (my uber-ninja mad scientist secret agent rockstar [*]) played the same scene out in a House of Knives (a mall chain back in the late 80s; it was exactly what the name says). I believe that the "Only what you see, pal" was a request for a 17th Century katana, but my memory fails me.
True, but go back and watch T1 sometime... And listen to what he trys to buy from the gun store.
And no, Nightstalker did not kill the guy behind the counter. He was a Hero. He paid with plastic.
Ebony the Black Dragon
Senior Editor, Living Room Games
* - I was 17. Deal.
Ebony the Black Dragon
"Good night, and may the Good Lord take a Viking to you."