The 40W laser is _supposed_ to be one of the mistakes that Arnie made, due to his limited command of English, in T1, though exactly what [grin] the rating was supposed to be (40MW?) was unclear.
> That makes at least 3 people who've played V&V around here.
You can put me on that list... [grin]
But, I've also played Marvel Superhero, DC Hero, Superworld, and (nearly) played Superhero 2044. Not GURPS Supers, though, though Champions (III and IV), of course.
> Yet, you go to a gaming convention and mention it and you either get "What?" or "Oh
> yeah... That Champions Ripoff"...
> And Nevermind the fact that Champions was much more suceptable to MinMaxing than
> V&V EVER was
Champions is a generic game, which fits the "design the character you want" mould, V&V is a specific game, of the "you get a playable character" variety. The later is a lot easier to write, but if you are prepared to go along with it you can have a good game. Someone who just wants a more powerful character than all the other players isn't really roleplaying... And, simply because you _can_ generate it with the rules in no way means that the GM should feel obliged to let it be played. ("Fits my campaign? Naww!")
I wonder what Doug would do if he ran into someone who his instincts felt were off, in some way, due to them having been minimaxed... [grin]
It is interesting to speculate what Doug might leave behind him in Mega Tokyo, both in the form of magic, and things he has done to the local tech, but I am pretty sure we will find out in due course! [grin]
I am pretty sure any hopes for Magical Girl BU-33S will be disappointed...
"It is the business of the future to be dangerous" - Hawkwind
> That makes at least 3 people who've played V&V around here.
You can put me on that list... [grin]
But, I've also played Marvel Superhero, DC Hero, Superworld, and (nearly) played Superhero 2044. Not GURPS Supers, though, though Champions (III and IV), of course.
> Yet, you go to a gaming convention and mention it and you either get "What?" or "Oh
> yeah... That Champions Ripoff"...
> And Nevermind the fact that Champions was much more suceptable to MinMaxing than
> V&V EVER was
Champions is a generic game, which fits the "design the character you want" mould, V&V is a specific game, of the "you get a playable character" variety. The later is a lot easier to write, but if you are prepared to go along with it you can have a good game. Someone who just wants a more powerful character than all the other players isn't really roleplaying... And, simply because you _can_ generate it with the rules in no way means that the GM should feel obliged to let it be played. ("Fits my campaign? Naww!")
I wonder what Doug would do if he ran into someone who his instincts felt were off, in some way, due to them having been minimaxed... [grin]
It is interesting to speculate what Doug might leave behind him in Mega Tokyo, both in the form of magic, and things he has done to the local tech, but I am pretty sure we will find out in due course! [grin]
I am pretty sure any hopes for Magical Girl BU-33S will be disappointed...
"It is the business of the future to be dangerous" - Hawkwind