Quote:If you look at it from the Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) POV, it makes sense. If some of you are doubletted, but you don't know who, then you'll have to assume that all of you are possible candidates. Because the only way to know for sure is by process of elimination
Because she's doubletted,
I know OMB doesn't follow the canon of OMG. That's the only thing that's keeping me from going into a long rant about how much fanon has grown around the Doublet System... But I have to ask: In canon, the participants' memories are wiped so they don't know that they're Doubletted, let alone who they're Doubletted to. If this also holds in OMB, how the heck does a Goddess know that a particular Demon is Doubletted?
(No, Belldandy doesn't know she's Doubletted. Urd does, but that's only because Urd accompanied Belldandy to the ceremony. Even she didn't know who Bell's Doublet was until the system sort-of broke...)
I actually took it like this: No God/Demon knows whether any individual is doubletted or not - so they assume they *all* are.
Into terror!, Into valour!
Charge ahead! No! Never turn
Yes, it's into the fire we fly
And the devil will burn!
- Scarlett Pimpernell