Yeah, you know, like Omb Mani Padme Hum
Oh, btw, Chris, Bob, have you read the Top 10 comic? It's got a good issue about gods, and stars some of the Norse pantheon. Good comic, and worth a look:
Oh, btw, Chris, Bob, have you read the Top 10 comic? It's got a good issue about gods, and stars some of the Norse pantheon. Good comic, and worth a look:
Odin: (talking to the cops) Hold. Chastise not your warrior friend. Truly, my son Thunor [Thor] is a butt-hole, as you name him.
Thunor: Oh, thanks a ϐπφδing bunch, dad....
Odin: Still your oafish tongue, boy, or the goat-chariot shall not be thine for a twelvemonth!