Quote:Worse, really, as ordnance11 knows well. It's an unholy alliance between the United States and the Soviet Union. "The CoDominium seal hung from the far wall -- American eagle and Soviet sickle and hammer, red white, and blue, white stars and red stars."
It's an unholy Alliance between the United States and Russia.
"And it was strange, Lermontov thought, that despicable creatures like Bronson should be so small as problems. They could be bribed. They expected to be bought.
It was the men of honor who created the real problems. Men like Harmon in the United States and Kaslov in the Soviet Union, men with causes they would die for...."
Quote:And nature's course, assuming he'd showed up around Falkenberg's time, would be to global thermonuclear war. The CoDominium caused a build-up of pressures that simply wasn't gonna be released peacefully -- not, at least, without some hellacious social engineering.
If Doug really want to screw things over, he'd flood all the data networks with all sorts of plans for gadgets and gizmos and let nature take its course from there.
Big Brother is watching you. And damn, you are so bloody BORING.