In the IST world, the UN ejected Iraqi forces from Kuwait and IST Baghdad promptly arrested Hussein in that world's equivalent to Gulf War I. See .
In Warriors' World? The Warriors don't get involved in conventional warfare unless it gets really out of hand. That's the bailiwick of the regular UN peacekeepers.
-- Bob
It's a "magical" land. I think "magical" is ancient Greek for "pain in the butt". -- Bun-Bun, Sluggy Freelance, 11/9/03
In Warriors' World? The Warriors don't get involved in conventional warfare unless it gets really out of hand. That's the bailiwick of the regular UN peacekeepers.
-- Bob
It's a "magical" land. I think "magical" is ancient Greek for "pain in the butt". -- Bun-Bun, Sluggy Freelance, 11/9/03