Quote:I would point you to the Wild Cards series, edited by George R.R. Martin, in which Nur al-Allah (literally, "The Light of Allah") condemns those infected with the Wild Card virus, but uses those who seek to redeem themselves of their "sin" as shock troopers. The only difference between that and your hypothetical is that Nur himself was a Wild Card.
In the Warrior's World I suspect he'd be more like a typical supervillain. Metahumans are as capable of religious fanaticism as anyone, and capable of accepting a leader who isn't meta. [And if Osama should decide metahumans are unholy, well, using satan's spawn to destroy the great satan would be nicely ironic.]
Ebony the Black Dragon
Senior Editor, Living Room Games
Ebony the Black Dragon
"Good night, and may the Good Lord take a Viking to you."