And if you want to see her in a Sailor Senshi knockoff, watch Slayers Next.
Lina Inverse is also dressed up like a sailor senshi
As to Amelia's perching on poles in Slayers Try. I can only recall her doing it once when she first arrived in the outer world. After that, she stayed pretty much sane and calm. Except when she beat Xellos with a megaphone.
If you really want to drive Doug nuts, have him meet Prince Phil. His attacks:
Pacifist Crush, Kindness to All Creatures Kick, Good Will Towards Men Smash, All Men Brothers: Hand in Hand, Giant Benevolent Swing, Paternal Love Flying Burst Leap.
Tom Mathews aka Disruptor
Lina Inverse is also dressed up like a sailor senshi
As to Amelia's perching on poles in Slayers Try. I can only recall her doing it once when she first arrived in the outer world. After that, she stayed pretty much sane and calm. Except when she beat Xellos with a megaphone.
If you really want to drive Doug nuts, have him meet Prince Phil. His attacks:
Pacifist Crush, Kindness to All Creatures Kick, Good Will Towards Men Smash, All Men Brothers: Hand in Hand, Giant Benevolent Swing, Paternal Love Flying Burst Leap.
Tom Mathews aka Disruptor