This is a three volume manga series
Zenmai Jikake no Tina.
There's a preview of the comic here.
I'm not sure what Doug could do here, other than frighten the locals. With the exception of Tahbito, Fuwa and some beings that show up in the last manga , every living creature is like Tina. fish, wolves, dolphins, cats, frogs, etc.
The locals would be scared of Doug. Excluding Tina, they are afraid of Tahbito.
Tom Mathews aka Disruptor
Zenmai Jikake no Tina.
There's a preview of the comic here.
I'm not sure what Doug could do here, other than frighten the locals. With the exception of Tahbito, Fuwa and some beings that show up in the last manga , every living creature is like Tina. fish, wolves, dolphins, cats, frogs, etc.
The locals would be scared of Doug. Excluding Tina, they are afraid of Tahbito.
Tom Mathews aka Disruptor