re: That bat-like person in The Tick. I used to spell it in the proper German, but I was told by someone at some point that it is "correctly" misspelled as I did it -- because that's the way DM spells it. He apparently knows what it means in German, but not how to spell it... so he went for the closest-sounding words in English...
Player: Okay, I try to pick up the car.
GM: Roll against your Usefulness.
Player: (rolls) Yeah! Made it by 10!
GM: You easily lift the car over your head.
Player: I throw it at the villain!
GM: Lessee... he's 30 yards from you, that's a distance penalty of ... -10. Roll.
Player: (rolls) Urk. Missed by 6.
GM: You drop the car. On your foot.
(Does anyone here even recognize this title?)
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Quote:You know, you may quite right. I wonder if I could write a Step that consisted entirely of the three of them talking in a bar while the Tick and Misspelled-Bat Man have an adventure outside...
Hmm... Doug would probably get on well with the brainier side of the biz, that (in its entirety) being American Maid and Arthur.
Quote:You know, I like that. It actually would be quite workable...
(A friend once proposed an extremely simple Tick RPG. There were only two stats: Intelligence and Usefulness. The Tick is of course very useful but none too intelligent; American Maid has a fair amount of both; Fledermaus is almost totally lacking in either.)
Player: Okay, I try to pick up the car.
GM: Roll against your Usefulness.
Player: (rolls) Yeah! Made it by 10!
GM: You easily lift the car over your head.
Player: I throw it at the villain!
GM: Lessee... he's 30 yards from you, that's a distance penalty of ... -10. Roll.
Player: (rolls) Urk. Missed by 6.
GM: You drop the car. On your foot.
Quote:You know what would be fun to visit, along those lines? "Normalman".
Now, the original comic world would be an amusing place to visit... with its hundreds upon hundreds of wannabe super-heroes and pathetic handful of super-villains...
(Does anyone here even recognize this title?)
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.