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MKR Step?
Re: MKR Step?
Nononono - an Macross Cannon shot is not measurable in any known unit. Put simply, it is an Omega Class Weapon, meaning that anything smaller than a decent sized planetoid will be vaporized upon impact. As in Game Over, Thank You For Playing Smile
That's Palladium Games thinking. Smile Old-style Palladium at that--these days they'd just give it a mega-damage rating in the tens of thousands (cf. the Nazca Line creatures from Rifts South America).
Any comparison to other non-Omega Class Weapon is simply moot. And comparisons between Omega Class Weapons mostly involve which one looks cooler... Smile
Ah, but I have a viable standard for comparison...
Follow the bouncing logic:
The Guyver's "Mega-Smasher" is a particle beam cannon whose power is estimated to be 100 mw.
The upgraded version, the Guyver Gigantic's "Giga-Smasher", is measured at 100 times that--10 gigawatts.
The Giga-Smasher beam is identical in range, width, and apparent firepower to the Reaction Cannon. (Sho fires it from Tokyo at ZX-Tole, who's in high orbit at the time. The SFX are identical to the Macross's booby-trap blast from ep. 1.)
Okay, so it's a bit speculative (a bit?) but I don't believe in letting Kevin Siembieda tell me what is and is not quantifiable... Smile
--Sam Ashley
"Now you're a tiny two-headed bluebird who only speaks high school French!"

Messages In This Thread
MKR Step? - by Ace Dreamer - 10-30-2003, 05:32 PM
Re: MKR Step? - by ariel silverstorm - 10-30-2003, 07:59 PM
Re: MKR Step? - by Loki Laufeyjarson - 10-30-2003, 09:22 PM
Re: MKR Step? - by Bob Schroeck - 10-30-2003, 10:08 PM
Re: MKR Step? - by ClassicDrogn - 11-01-2003, 12:29 AM
Re: MKR Step? - by Evil Midnight Lurker - 11-01-2003, 01:37 AM
Re: MKR Step? - by Offsides - 11-01-2003, 02:48 AM
Magic Knight Ranma - by Guest - 11-01-2003, 03:13 AM
Re: MKR Step? - by Evil Midnight Lurker - 11-01-2003, 03:48 AM
Re: MKR Step? - by Offsides - 11-01-2003, 05:23 AM
Re: MKR Step? - by Ace Dreamer - 11-01-2003, 01:13 PM
Big guns for nig robots - by Loki Laufeyjarson - 11-01-2003, 02:53 PM
Re: MKR Step? - by Bob Schroeck - 11-03-2003, 05:20 PM
Re: MKR Step? - by Ace Dreamer - 11-03-2003, 07:30 PM
Re: MKR Step? - by chibipoe - 12-14-2003, 02:02 PM
Re: MKR Step? - by Bob Schroeck - 12-15-2003, 10:27 PM
Re: MKR Step? - by chibipoe - 12-16-2003, 01:16 AM
Re: MKR Step? - by WengFook - 12-16-2003, 07:16 AM
Re: MKR Step? - by Bob Schroeck - 12-16-2003, 04:45 PM
Re: MKR Step? - by chibipoe - 12-17-2003, 12:57 AM
Re: MKR Step? - by Zojojojo - 12-17-2003, 01:20 AM
Re: MKR Step? - by chibipoe - 12-17-2003, 02:05 AM
Re: MKR Step? - by Bob Schroeck - 12-17-2003, 08:21 AM
Re: MKR Step? - by chibipoe - 12-17-2003, 09:26 AM
Re: MKR Step? - by WengFook - 12-17-2003, 02:49 PM
Re: MKR Step? - by Bob Schroeck - 12-17-2003, 04:47 PM
Re: MKR Step? - by chibipoe - 12-18-2003, 12:53 AM
Re: MKR Step? - by Bob Schroeck - 12-18-2003, 04:36 AM

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