>And the cloaking device, can't forget the cloaking device.
"After Van's expression of masculine insecurity blocked the Nothing's attack, that same fell back a step and into visibility with a swirl of its cape.
I stared. 'How the -fuck- did they manage to hide -that-?!'"
Never having seen Neverending story, I can't claim credit for the reference above, but it seems like a Dougish thing to do.
Blessed be.
"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
"After Van's expression of masculine insecurity blocked the Nothing's attack, that same fell back a step and into visibility with a swirl of its cape.
I stared. 'How the -fuck- did they manage to hide -that-?!'"
Never having seen Neverending story, I can't claim credit for the reference above, but it seems like a Dougish thing to do.
Blessed be.
"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."