Quote:Oh, no, I don't hate Ranma, not at all. Peg and I were buying the Viz videotapes up until the beginning of the the "Hard Battle" season, and now that Viz is doing all the box sets, we're going to be catching up as soon as we can afford it. I really quite fond of the Ranmaverse. It's just that SIs in Ranma have been so overdone -- it's almost the definition of an over-the-top SI. And since one of the points of the Walk was to invert and/or satirize some of the typical SI tropes, well, the only way to do that in Ranma would be either the idea I posted in response to Annoying Kitsune Kaydee some months back, or to simply go there and not do anything at all.
the Ranmaverse (which got kept because Bob HATES Ranma)
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.