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Hey, long time for me to not post . . .

So anyway, I've decided that I wanted to try my hand at a Drunkard's Walk on the Macross 7. I thought *maybe* on the Macross or even during Macross Zero, but figured that not only are there enough happy-go-lucky-yet-serious-in-combat guys in both series, but also that the character interactions would be better.
Again, I am following the model laid-down in DWII, wherein a peripheral character would be the "in" for the rest of the cast, and here I have chosen Rex, the leader of the Macross 7's bike gang who follow Fire Bomber around. Rex and Doug's relationship is going to be platonic and only that. Rex is, at first, too hung up on Basara and then too used to thinking of Doug as "a guy I know, kind of a friend, i guess *scratch head in anime befuddlement*" to go with Doug. There'd be the sort of easy camaradery that having a common interest would bring in.
Doug, of course, has the primary super-hero duty of defending the citizens of the fleet from the attacks of the Proto-devlin, particularly the most powerful ones. Though he has some successful offensive encounters, he's mostly defensives since he can only go toe-to-toe with Syvil, and even then she could probably beat him in space. Frankly, I think that he'd serve better in a defensive mode, trying to limit the damage the fleets and big ships do. Also, he could try to break up the "vampires" that infiltrate the ship in the beginning of the series.
Basara and Doug: this is, frankly, an explosive combination. Despite his happy-go-lucky attitude, Doug (it seems to me) *enjoys* teaching and LECTURING. Whether it's magic, tactics, or other, Doug enjoys lecturing on subjects. And Basara would ever and always either a) ignore him, b) walk past him, or c) tell doug to shut up. Doug would probably, to my mind, make it seem as if basara's rejection of his expertise as unimportant, but he'd be really annoyed and after a while would not bother to hide it. Basara *never* listens to other people, always does what he thinks best, and is both surly and stubborn about doing it. The annoying thing for Doug, as it is for everyone else, is that Basara is so often right. Eventually they would come to a truce and even get along in a certain way.
Mylene and Doug: they have a much easier relationship. Doug falls into the big brother role easily, something that Mylene never had (as all of her many siblings are all sisters), but she does chafe at times at the "big" part sometimes. He teases her about her relationship with Basara and Gamlin, while trying to convince her mother that Mylene doesn't need to get married quite so early (big mistake.)
Vifidas and Doug: Uhh . . . next.
Ray and Doug: Ray and Doug get along as mostly equals. Both easy going men. Nothing new here.
Milia and Doug: Depending on which story direction I want, this could go any way. Certainly antagonistic on her part, particularly as it relates to Mylene and her engagment.
Gamlin and Doug: Much like his relationship with Basara, Gamlin is greatly annoyed by Doug's unauthorized interference with the defense of the Macross 7 fleet. Not sure where to go yet there . . . maybe Gamlin, Doug and Basara form a sort of spectrum of personality types. Speaking of which, one wonders how much Doug likes being the lone vigilante.
Now, I am arguing with myself about whether Doug's abilities should be revealed or not. It could lead to some interesting avenues in the story, but then again I may be treading the same waters. At any rate, the real question is what to do with Anima-Spiritia. Anima-Spiritia, or rather Song Energy, has been shown to be a great power source, energizes people and frees their minds from mind control, and in fact promotes the growth and health of plant life (and other life, presumably.) So how does Doug's powers interact with Song energy? Does his powers get super-charged or what? And what would happen if he was hit with a pure dose of Song Energy? Some things to think about.
So, suggestions, comments, discouragments, and answers to questions are all welcomed.
obviously insane

Messages In This Thread
MACROSS 7 PROPOSAL - by Murmur the Fallen - 06-30-2003, 09:00 PM
Re: MACROSS 7 PROPOSAL - by Bob Schroeck - 06-30-2003, 11:48 PM
Re: MACROSS 7 PROPOSAL - by Offsides - 07-01-2003, 03:07 AM
Re: MACROSS 7 PROPOSAL - by Valles - 07-01-2003, 04:06 AM
Re: MACROSS 7 PROPOSAL - by cpt kangarooski - 07-01-2003, 06:37 AM
Gekiganger... - by Bob Schroeck - 07-01-2003, 01:40 PM
Re: Puppet-related crime??! - by Bob Schroeck - 07-01-2003, 01:41 PM
Re: Puppet-related crime - by cpt kangarooski - 07-01-2003, 02:45 PM
inappropriate enough? - by Murmur the Fallen - 07-02-2003, 06:00 PM
Re: inappropriate enough? - by Offsides - 07-02-2003, 10:07 PM
Re: inappropriate enough? - by Bob Schroeck - 07-03-2003, 01:50 PM

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