The best and most permanent solution not involving Legato's death would, it seems to me, have been for Vash to simply shoot his borrowed arm off. No Angel Arm, no psi powers, apply a tourniquet and call for a doctor. A bit bloody, yes, but Vash has maimed his opponents before (Gofsef Nebraska springs to mind, similar circumstances even). Heck, maybe he could have it put back on his own shoulder and ditch the cyberarm.
In fact this is such an obvious solution (to me anyway) that Vash's not using it constitutes an excellent argument for Legato's putting a mental hold on him.
...and as a side note, the percentage of Trigun continuation fics in which Millie is pregnant approaches 100.
--Sam Ashley
...only someone from Warriors' World would refer to that thing as a MINIgun.
"I said put it in the HAPPY BOX!"
In fact this is such an obvious solution (to me anyway) that Vash's not using it constitutes an excellent argument for Legato's putting a mental hold on him.
...and as a side note, the percentage of Trigun continuation fics in which Millie is pregnant approaches 100.
--Sam Ashley
...only someone from Warriors' World would refer to that thing as a MINIgun.

"I said put it in the HAPPY BOX!"