Curse you people. Curse you all! ![[Image: smile.gif]](
This was never supposed to be more than a throwaway plotbunny. But now you got me *thinking*....
What happens when Doug and Garibaldi discover their mutual love of Warner Bros cartoons? I dunno, but predict mobs of helpless bystanders screaming and
running with their hands over their ears...
And the first time Doug meets Kosh...
One problem is *when* to land Doug in the B5 arc. If I *do* continue this, I need to keep it fairly short and compact, otherwise I'll bog down. So I want
some period when Doug wouldn't feel honor-bound to stick around, but things are still unsettled enough that he can leave a major mark before he leaves.
I'm leaning towards the run-up to the Shadow War and the Earth Alliance Civil War, before things went hot, but I'm open to suggestions.
Bob: Wow, I was *wondering* just how much of a threat the Psi-Cops might pose to Doug. It sounds like, aside from the risk of choking over Bester's name,
not much.
In fact... I think I have an idea about how the major plot arc (and the Three's hidden agenda is sending him to B5) might just pan out.....
![[Image: smile.gif]](
This was never supposed to be more than a throwaway plotbunny. But now you got me *thinking*....
What happens when Doug and Garibaldi discover their mutual love of Warner Bros cartoons? I dunno, but predict mobs of helpless bystanders screaming and
running with their hands over their ears...
And the first time Doug meets Kosh...
One problem is *when* to land Doug in the B5 arc. If I *do* continue this, I need to keep it fairly short and compact, otherwise I'll bog down. So I want
some period when Doug wouldn't feel honor-bound to stick around, but things are still unsettled enough that he can leave a major mark before he leaves.
I'm leaning towards the run-up to the Shadow War and the Earth Alliance Civil War, before things went hot, but I'm open to suggestions.
Bob: Wow, I was *wondering* just how much of a threat the Psi-Cops might pose to Doug. It sounds like, aside from the risk of choking over Bester's name,
not much.
In fact... I think I have an idea about how the major plot arc (and the Three's hidden agenda is sending him to B5) might just pan out.....