Quote:which means that Doug would have to spend about 3000 points in order to gain 300 points to rearrange with his power songs.Yeah, that's in the same neighborhood as the ballpark figure I worked up some years back when I first went through the 4th Edition rules. Even then it might be too much. I really have to figure out what his most expensive GURPS effect is -- maybe the weather control stuff -- and price the Modular Abilities accordingly. And I'd probably handwave some stuff like the gate songs as plot devices, really.
What I thought you were talking about was buying each song as a skill, like the magic system, and I was thinking "no, no, it doesn't work that way."
And yeah, it doesn't matter what system it is, if it's based on points, Doug is obscene. That's one reason I love V&V. It doesn't get caught up in the accounting, it just lets you do heroic stuff.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.