Quote:Matrix Dragon wrote:Agreed. When I was reading X-Men in the 1980s, it seemed to me that every person that the characters encountered was ready to hate natural born metas (to borrow the Yizibajohei phrase from the universe of my stories) without seeing the good side of things. I mean yeah, there'd be the odd bigot in real life, but jeez . . .! It just got too depressing for me at times; I guess that's why I gravitated away from this stuff when Mike Smith came along in the early 1990s to introduce me to anime as anime.
And the writers that weren't doing him as a moustache twirling parody tended to have him working on the theory that this was the only approach that wouldn't lead to concentration camps and gas chambers (God I hate Marvels approach to racism.)
Canadian lighthouse to U.S. Warship approaching it: "This is a lighthouse. Your call!"