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[Story] A bit o Fenfic...
"Ah, Murphy. Good to see you again," Don Antonio observed with absolutely no irony about him. As if my day hadn't been bad enough already; it
looked to be about to get worse. Probably not lethal; it's a point of pride with the Don he hasn't had to resort to that. Doesn't mean he's all
sweetness and light either though. "A little birdie told me that you're to be on the next ship out and as it just so happens, I'm heading in

Beware of Geeks bearing gifts was one of the last things my dad had said to me before I'd headed out beyond the troposphere. Granted, Don Antonio was
neither Greek, nor geek; but the general principal still applied. A lot of the Don's business ventures might be on the shady side of legal, but they're
still BUSINESS ventures. As Don Antonio himself points out; "You make money, I make money, We're both happy!" But I wasn't making money, at
least not at the moment. So there HAD to be a catch, but before I had to be gauche enough to have to ask that of the Don, I was saved by the smell... Of more
of Tony's wonderful pasta. Tony was serving the only other customer in the place at that hour, someone who either had no reason to be afraid of the Don or
was just too clueless to realize he'd be better off eating somewhere else. When Tony noticed me, well, I instantly thought of that old Heart classic
"If Looks could Kill". Because if they could, I'd have been lying on the floor, begging him "Please, Please, Please, Don't hurt me no
more!" Don Antonio noticed said look as well, and it was only his intercession that stopped things from getting ugly.

"He's my guest Tony, and I'll thank you not to be disrespecting me by causing a scene about it. It would force me to ask Rocco to... 'take
care of it.'" Tony's mouth shut with a clop, but that smoldering look... Even if I can go back to Ceres eventually I'll have to avoid Tony. He
clearly LOVED that old pasta maker in a way that was just short of unhealthy, and possibly immoral. Tony started to head back to the kitchen, clearly in a high
Italian dudgeon when the Don stopped him again. "It seems to me that you should actually be saying Thank you to Mr. Murphy here. After all, he's the
one responsible for the improved state of your equipment..."

CEST' QUE' HOECK??? I tried to take a drink of water to cover my confused thoughts, only to miss my mouth and get it all down my shirt. Funny, I'd
never had a drinking problem before...
Hear that thunder rolling till it seems to split the sky?
That's every ship in Grayson's Navy taking up the cry-

-- "No Quarter", by Echo's Children

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[Story] A bit o Fenfic... - by Star Ranger4 - 09-12-2009, 05:54 PM
[No subject] - by Star Ranger4 - 09-12-2009, 05:56 PM

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