Vulpine Fury fell into the 'Wavium infused hot springs of drowned Mulan?
My concept falls somewhere in between D. Cronenberg's, The Fly & Star Trek II (Not the execrable Into Darkness) : 'Wavium gets to be the Protomatter fix that causes an unforeseen & weirdly transcendental fusion of technology & biology. I'm currently further developing this in the sequel to A Tiger by the Tale. Things will be far less apocalyptic than either referenced film...not to mention much more naughty.
My concept falls somewhere in between D. Cronenberg's, The Fly & Star Trek II (Not the execrable Into Darkness) : 'Wavium gets to be the Protomatter fix that causes an unforeseen & weirdly transcendental fusion of technology & biology. I'm currently further developing this in the sequel to A Tiger by the Tale. Things will be far less apocalyptic than either referenced film...not to mention much more naughty.