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[STORY/XOVER] Legend of Galactic Girls
Re: [STORY/XOVER] Legend of Galactic Girls
By Rob Kelk
Based on the Drunkard's Walk and Girls Girls Girls fanfic cycles
created by Robert M. Schroeck
and the Fenspace shared-world setting
created by Sean M. Breen

Chapter Two: Senshi's Moving Castle

29 May 2013
15:32 GMT
Kandor City Spaceport

"Thank you for coming, Mr. Blackstone, but your assistant has already taken care of the problem."
The Blue Blazer Irregulars looked at each other in puzzlement, then looked at their guests.
"As long as I've known Peggy, she's always tended to fly off the handle," commented Lisa. "She probably went in on her own." Under her breath, she muttered, "I really know how Sylia feels now. No more solo actions, Peggy. Please."
They walked over to the Jet Car, where they heard from the open door, "Know your enemy and know yourself. I know that one, Buckaroo."
Dee and Lisa stormed over and leaned into the car. "Peggy ..." they growled in unison.
She looked up, and blushed slightly. Then she turned back to Buckaroo. "Oh, yeah -- I also forgot to tell my friends I was leaving."
Lisa glared at her. "We'll discuss that later. In private."
Blackstone walked up, stopping just behind Lisa and Dee. "And you took our car without asking."
"I asked da- I asked Buckaroo!"
"Fine. Whatever. Right now, I just want the car back."
Dee grabbed Peggy and pulled her out of the car. "You know we have to stay together! Remember what Mr. Scott told us about this world?"
"Dee ..." started Lisa.
"I already know," interrupted Buckaroo. "And I'll discuss it with Blackstone and Mr. Scott later. Right now, I'm picking up a distress call from Port Luna -- a ship's coming in out of control and we're the only ones with the right equipment close enough to help."
"Duty calls," said Blackstone as he got into the Jet Car. "We're too busy to play tourist, sorry. You can find your own way home, right?" And he sealed the car and took off for the spaceport lock, just as Noah approached.
"We're leaving."
"But we just got here," complained Dee with a bit of a whine in her voice. "Like, I want to go shopping."
"I never did like 'valley girls,' Ms. vel'deVarn," replied Noah, "so please drop the act. We don't have time to go shopping. We don't even have time to visit the local movie studio where they fake Moon landings, and almost everybody visits them. We have to leave now."
"Why?" asked Lisa.
"I just heard from Yoriko, back on Stellvia -- the Professor is on the way here to see me."
"Is that a bad thing?"
"Only if you and the other mages in your group want to avoid spending the rest of your life as guinea pigs in his experiments, Ms. Vanette."
"We'd better get going, then."

* * * * *

15:38 GMT
The Epsilon Blade

"I feel like I'm a sardine!"
"You have that much room, Luna? Hey, be careful, Rin-Rin -- I can't control the electricity in my hands."
"Yes, Ms. Swansen, I know."
"You can't?" asked Makoto. "Maybe I can help you there."
Someone bumped Rin-Rin, and she reflexively switch from English to Japanese. ""
"" Rin-Rin dodged just before having her foot stepped on. ""
Noah closed the door on the cacophony behind the bridge. "I'm glad they're only visiting. I hope they're only visiting. Do we have clearance to launch, Yayoi?"
"Yes, Noah. Where are we heading?"
"The Professor's approaching from out-system, so we're going to have to head in-system. Set course for Crystal Tokyo. No, make that Crystal Paris -- that might give us a few extra minutes."
"Why?" asked the only visitor on the bridge.
"The Professor dislikes anything that reminds him of France, Ms. Ayanami. I understand he had some bad experiences there."
"Oh. Ms. Fujisawa, does my presence trouble you?"
"Why should it?"
"I am not completely human."
"Neither am I. Both Noah and Mr. Sangnoir taught me that what's inside a person is what matters, not her species or appearance, and everything I've learned since then has proven them right."
"I see." Rei almost smiled.
"Besides, I'm flattered that somebody wants to learn my piloting style. Here, stand beside me so you can get a better view of the touchscreen controls."
She did so. After a moment, she commented, "This is somewhat different from piloting an EVA unit."
Yayoi smiled. "I wouldn't know anything about that ..."
Meanwhile, in the engine room, Skuld was not learning about the Epsilon Blade's technology base.
"Please, m'lady Skuld, tell me about the person I was based on! You actually know her, right?"
"That's weird, the way you asked that in unison. But I guess I won't get to examine these engines unless I tell you what you want to know. Who's first?" Sora and Kohran looked at each other for a long moment. "Well?"
"Tell her first."
"Stop talking in unison! You're freaking me out!"
"Sorry ..." They stopped, and Kohran continued in Japanese. ""

* * * * *

Stellvia main operations room

"Ma'am, the Kobayashi Maru is hailing us. Their captain wants to know what's going on."
Yoriko turned to the duty officer. "Thank you, Mr. Hansen. Open a tight-beam channel, please."
"Yes, ma'am. Opening a channel to the Kobayashi Maru."
"... know you're in there, Stellvia -- we're picking up your normal power signatures."
"We read you, Kobayashi Maru."
"Finally. Hello, Yoriko. Where's Noah?"
"He's off-station right now, Katz."
"In the middle of an apparent crisis? What is wrong over there, anyway?"
"Just a temporary power glitch. You're clear to land in the drydock, Kobayashi Maru."
"Acknowledged, Stellvia. Yoriko, do you have time to talk once I'm aboard?"
She sighed. "I'll make the time. I'll see you -- just you -- in Stellvia's briefing room in a half-hour, okay?"
After a second, Katz replied, "Okay. Kobayashi Maru out."
As she shut off her radio, Yoriko muttered, "There's no way I can keep this secret forever. Noah, why'd you have to leave me alone with this kind of job to do?" She raised her voice and turned to the duty officer. "Mr. Hansen, once the Kobayashi Maru is docked, please resume normal station functions. If anyone asks what happened, tell them just what I told Mr. Schrdinger -- it was a 'temporary power glitch'. If anyone wants more details, refer them to me but tell them I'm very busy right now ..."

* * * * *

20:44 GMT
The Uncertainty

I can't believe Noah thinks he can keep this secret. He's going to need somebody to tell him he's being an idiot -- like it or not, I'm the only person for the job.
Trigon interrupted Katz' thoughts. "The ship is ready. I'm ready. Stop dithering, wretch."
Katz sighed. "Fine. Let's go."
"And just where are we going to 'go'?"
"Venus. If we're lucky, we'll get there before the Sol Bianca does."
"Why didn't you say we were following someone important to begin with?"
Oh, dear. Trigon's happy now ...

* * * * *

21:05 GMT
The Epsilon Blade

Noah picked up his microphone and switched on the ship's intercom. "Ladies ... and Sylvath ... if you'll look out the port-side windows, you'll see Crystal Paris." The cheers from the passenger lounge could be heard even through the bulkhead soundproofing.
Meanwhile, Yayoi was trying to get landing clearance for the ship. "Crystal Paris, I did not copy. Please repeat the reason you do not want us landing."
"With all due respect," replied the voice over the communicator, "we remember what happened the last time you were here, Epsilon Blade. We don't want to take a chance that it'll happen again."
Noah waved his hand at Yayoi, then switched his microphone from the intercom to the communicator. "Crystal Paris ATC, this is Noah Scott, commanding the Epsilon Blade. Please state the exact reason we're being denied landing clearance."
There was a short pause, then a different voice came over the circuit. "Epsilon Blade, this is Yvette de Lune, Crystal Paris ATC Manager. What seems to be the problem?"
"That's what we want to know, Mme. de Lune. My pilot has been attempting to gain landing clearance for the last three minutes, and the only reason I've heard so far why we aren't getting it is because you don't want a repeat of what happened the last time we were here. This is our first visit to Crystal Paris. What are you talking about, please?"
"Stand by, please, M. Scott." There was a longer pause, then the line came back to life. "Epsilon Blade, I apologize for the delay. My staff tell me they don't want you doing to Crystal Paris what you did to Crystal Osaka."
"All we did there was save over a dozen people's lives, madame. You have nothing to worry about from us unless you're hiding some Boskonians. You aren't hiding a slaver ring or a drug lab, are you?"
"I certainly hope not, M. Scott!" She cleared her throat and continued in a more neutral tone. "Epsilon Blade, you have permission to land. You are clear to dock 23."
Yayoi tapped on the ship's navigation controls. "Roger, Crystal Paris. Epsilon Blade now on landing approach to 23." She muted the communicator. "What was that all about?"
"Superstitious paranoia, I think," replied Noah. "I hope," he added under his breath.

* * * * *

21:48 GMT
Crystal Paris

"I'm sorry, sir, but I couldn't keep them from landing. Madame de Lune interfered."
"That's all right. From what you tell me, Senora de Lune would never approve of this thing of ours, so it's best she never learns of it. And we don't need to worry if it's only one of the Great Justice troubleshooters, do we?"

* * * * *

21:49 GMT
The Epsilon Blade

"Noah, don't open that yet!"
"Why not?" asked Noah as his hand hovered over the bridge door's control.
"Sora just let me know that some of our guests are getting changed," replied Yayoi.
The soundproofing wasn't quite good enough to muffle the shouts from two of those guests:
"Sailor Power, MAKE-UP!"
"Jupiter Star Power, MAKE-UP!"
Noah backed away from the door. "I gather someone told them that sailor outfits wouldn't be out of place in Crystal Paris. Do you want to go back and get changed too, Yayoi? I can look out the front window and study this wonderful view of the landing bay's rear wall while you have the door opened."
"Thank you, sir. I did leave my Sailor Armed Militia uniform in the weapon locker." As Noah didn't watch, Yayoi and Rei headed amidships.
The door closed, and Noah heard, "So this is the bridge."
"Yes, this is the bridge, Ms. Skuld," replied Noah as he turned to his visitor. "Oh, my apologies, Ms. Vanette. You and Ms. Skuld sound remarkably alike."
"So we've been told by people who've just met us," replied the reporter-turned-Senshi. "I wanted to ask why you gave me this."
"The credit card? I already told you -- it's your ID."
"It's a gold card. Nobody else has a gold card."
Noah smiled. "I have a Stellvia Gold card, and so does Yayoi. Yours is the third ever issued. And before you ask, yes, it's a no-limit card drawing on my private bank account, just like mine and Yayoi's. That should tell you how much I trust you."
"Oh ... Are there any good clothing boutiques here?" she asked with an impish grin.
"You'd have to ask Yayoi. And when I said I trust you, I meant it. If you think you need local clothes, feel free to buy some. Although the blue number you're wearing looks good on you, and it does blend in around here."
The grin left Lisa's face. "I'll try to be worthy of that trust, Mr. Scott."
"I'm sure I have nothing to worry about on that score, Ms. Vanette. Now, before I ask Yayoi to ask her friends here to find us some rooms on short notice, are there any special requirements I need to know about? Besides Sylvath's needs, which won't be easy to accomodate here."
Lisa thought for a moment. "Sana needs room to move, and Rei's a vegetarian."
"There won't be any trouble accomodating Rei; in fact, I hope the rest of you don't mind a low-meat diet. Sana, though ... I'll see what we can do."
"Thank you."
After a moment, Noah cleared his throat. "If you don't mind my asking ..."
"Well ... I'm curious. Why are you ladies chasing after Doug?"
"I can't speak for the others, but I'm on this trip because I'm the only person who can recognize Doug's homeworld other than Doug and his friends."
"That's a reason why Ms. vel'deVarn would want you on the trip. I'm more curious why you'd agree to go. But if I'm prying, please say so."
"You're prying, Mr. Scott."
"Then I'll drop it. Sorry about that."
After another pause, Lisa asked, "So, why are you in space?"
"For the freedom."
"How so?"
"I'll give you a couple of examples. When I was Sana's age, it was possible to walk into an airport and buy a ticket for the next flight to where you wanted to go, just by putting cash on the counter. At least, it was in my home country. Everybody knew that there was a chance that any given flight might be hijacked, but everybody also knew that the odds of it happening to a particular flight were low. When I gave up my citizenship, that same country required its citizens to show government-issued identification before being allowed to board an aircraft, and if your name is on a list, you aren't allowed on the plane even then."
"Do criminals in this universe use their real names when they break the law?"
Noah shook his head. "Not usually."
"So what good is a list of names of people who aren't allowed to fly?"
"Damned if I know, Ms. Vanette. I think the governments on Earth want to monitor everybody's movements on the off-chance that somebody might do something they don't like." Noah sighed. "Other countries are going the same way. Then there's the laws against using handwavium; they make it nearly impossible to create artificial intelligences on Earth any more. Out here, we still have the freedom to live without Big Brother looking over our shoulders."
"So there's no government in space?"
"I didn't say that. We're just a lot more reasonable about running things out here. But you should take this with a grain of salt; I'm not unbiased about the whole mess."
The door opened to admit Yayoi, now wearing a high-visibility-orange seifuku. While it had the same shoulder patches as the jacket she'd been wearing, each was on the opposite shoulder to where it was on the jacket. "Noah, we're ready to go."
"Good. Yayoi, can you get us some rooms for the night? Use my name if you think it'll help ..."

* * * * *

22:21 GMT
Crystal Paris

Naoko Sato, the head of Crystal Paris' Armed Militia division, grinned. " Yayoi-san.>" They both laughed. "
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012

Messages In This Thread
Re: [STORY/XOVER] Legend of Galactic Girls - by robkelk - 12-12-2007, 03:25 AM
[No subject] - by robkelk - 04-20-2008, 11:06 PM
[No subject] - by Bob Schroeck - 07-08-2008, 07:37 PM
Teaser #2 for Chapter 3 - by robkelk - 12-23-2008, 02:23 AM
RE-WRITE of Prologue - by robkelk - 02-06-2009, 02:26 AM
[No subject] - by robkelk - 06-30-2009, 01:54 AM
[No subject] - by robkelk - 09-07-2009, 02:27 AM
[No subject] - by Star Ranger4 - 09-07-2009, 09:42 PM
[No subject] - by robkelk - 09-07-2009, 11:04 PM
[No subject] - by robkelk - 04-01-2012, 07:39 PM
[No subject] - by Warringer - 04-01-2012, 11:44 PM
[No subject] - by Proginoskes - 04-02-2012, 01:29 AM
[No subject] - by robkelk - 04-02-2012, 03:12 PM
[No subject] - by Proginoskes - 04-04-2012, 04:16 PM
[No subject] - by robkelk - 04-04-2012, 04:37 PM

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