S. Malaclypse Fnord
Primary Writer: M. Fnord
Notable Mundane Attributes:
* Billions And Billions: BNF of the Carl Sagan variety.
* Wanted In Twelve Systems: Still not popular with the Ameridane establishment.
* Talent On Loan From Chuck Yeager: Crack(headed) pilot.
'Wavium Abilities:
* n/a
* Fan Panther: Believes Fenspace should cut all ties with the 'danelaw, and isn't afraid to say so.
* Can't See! Frank Can't See! Nearsighted. Really needs bifocals, but won't admit it.
* The Goggles! They Do Nothing! Wears tanker's goggles, though never over the eyes for some reason.
* What's Wrong With My Jumper? Tends to wear the same style outfit all the damn time.
* For The Last Time, I'm Not A Browncoat! Everybody thinks he's a Whedonite, much to his eternal annoyance.---
Mr. Fnord
Mr. Fnord interdimensional man of mystery
FenWiki - Your One-Stop Shop for Fenspace Information
"I. Drink. Your. NERDRAGE!"
Primary Writer: M. Fnord
Notable Mundane Attributes:
* Billions And Billions: BNF of the Carl Sagan variety.
* Wanted In Twelve Systems: Still not popular with the Ameridane establishment.
* Talent On Loan From Chuck Yeager: Crack(headed) pilot.
'Wavium Abilities:
* n/a
* Fan Panther: Believes Fenspace should cut all ties with the 'danelaw, and isn't afraid to say so.
* Can't See! Frank Can't See! Nearsighted. Really needs bifocals, but won't admit it.
* The Goggles! They Do Nothing! Wears tanker's goggles, though never over the eyes for some reason.
* What's Wrong With My Jumper? Tends to wear the same style outfit all the damn time.
* For The Last Time, I'm Not A Browncoat! Everybody thinks he's a Whedonite, much to his eternal annoyance.---
Mr. Fnord
Mr. Fnord interdimensional man of mystery
FenWiki - Your One-Stop Shop for Fenspace Information
"I. Drink. Your. NERDRAGE!"