Ship Name: SS Admiral Heinlein
Created by Duane E. Peters
Registry Number: UESC001
Base Hull: Prevost H5-60 articulated bus/RV conversion
Drive Type: Acceleration (Reactionless gravitic, constant-acceleration type, max accelleration is +/-5g)
Alternate Drive Type: Not yet revealed.
Owner of Record: Duane Erik Peters
Flag of Record: New Zealand
Purpose: Passenger and freight delivery
Launched: September 21, 2009
Duane E. Peters, Captain/Owner
June Waterman, First Officer/Voice of Reason
Supplementary Crew:
Durandal (Ship engineering AI)
Leela (Defensive systems AI)
Excel (C3I AI, nutjob)
Known Vehicle Quirks:
"Fibber McGee's Closet": the Closet is an "N-space gravitic pocket" with a *low* sense of humor. June can open it and access it normally; if Duane opens it, he'll be *deluged* with random items, most broken or in some other way useless, before being able to access anything at all. If someone not on the crew opens it, it might be full of bowling balls...
"Three Stooges Alpha Complex": The ship's computers were all kluged together from Duane's home network, and affected at the time of The Accident. None of the computers will take orders from anyone but the two crew to date; everyone else who's tried has been humiliated or worse.
*Durandal is a Mac G4 Cube, with a personality from the old "Marathon" Mac game. A physical coward and paranoiac, who took his appearance and mannerisms from Malcom McDowell in "Star Trek: Generations", he's kept mostly under control by...
*Leela. The second of the triumvirate of computers aboard the colony ship Marathon, Leela's personality was affected by the Companion of the same name from the Tom Baker Dr. Who run he was downloading off the 'Net at the time of the Accident. Leela is in control of defensive and sensor systems. The third computer, Tycho, from the same game was a homicidal maniac, so Duane instead built the third personality from scratch, creating...
*Excel XL. Duane's only referent (he's *not* much of an anime fan) for her was the Undocumented Features fanfic, so he cheated a bit and added in some Cowboy Bebop to arrive at the third of the triumvirate. Other than an extremely odd pattern of speech and the occasional piece of info she "just happened to have" from hacking the NSA/NASA/TESB/TLA, she *seems* to be completely reliable...
Known Crew Quirks:
"The Accident": Duane is the only person known to have gotten *drunk* on 'fermented' 'Wavium, due to an accident with the old pressure cooker he was breeding it in. It coated the computers and most of his library when it exploded; he spent a week he still doesn't remember drunk out of his mind on the stuff, and ended up with mathematical abilities to make Reed Richards cry, a *massive* three-day-Tiajuana-drunk-on-cheap-tequilla hangover...and a Black Box he doesn't remember building.
"Yes, but does it go with my eyes?": June is a clotheshorse par excellance. She has not yet been seen twice at any con in the same costume (somethimes three or four costume changes daily), and likes to show off her eye-popping figure and waist-length hair.
"Roll 3D6 and divide by purple": the crew are avid role-playing gamers and Discordians, and like their settings to match their sense of humor, i.e. *massively* weird. They're still looking for the Floating Vagabond out in the 'Belt in their free time...
Faction: Long Heinleinian, Discordian Pope
Home Port: Wellington International Spaceport, New Zealand
Current Location: Phobos, Mars
Status: ACTIVE
Created by Duane E. Peters
Registry Number: UESC001
Base Hull: Prevost H5-60 articulated bus/RV conversion
Drive Type: Acceleration (Reactionless gravitic, constant-acceleration type, max accelleration is +/-5g)
Alternate Drive Type: Not yet revealed.
Owner of Record: Duane Erik Peters
Flag of Record: New Zealand
Purpose: Passenger and freight delivery
Launched: September 21, 2009
Duane E. Peters, Captain/Owner
June Waterman, First Officer/Voice of Reason
Supplementary Crew:
Durandal (Ship engineering AI)
Leela (Defensive systems AI)
Excel (C3I AI, nutjob)
Known Vehicle Quirks:
"Fibber McGee's Closet": the Closet is an "N-space gravitic pocket" with a *low* sense of humor. June can open it and access it normally; if Duane opens it, he'll be *deluged* with random items, most broken or in some other way useless, before being able to access anything at all. If someone not on the crew opens it, it might be full of bowling balls...
"Three Stooges Alpha Complex": The ship's computers were all kluged together from Duane's home network, and affected at the time of The Accident. None of the computers will take orders from anyone but the two crew to date; everyone else who's tried has been humiliated or worse.
*Durandal is a Mac G4 Cube, with a personality from the old "Marathon" Mac game. A physical coward and paranoiac, who took his appearance and mannerisms from Malcom McDowell in "Star Trek: Generations", he's kept mostly under control by...
*Leela. The second of the triumvirate of computers aboard the colony ship Marathon, Leela's personality was affected by the Companion of the same name from the Tom Baker Dr. Who run he was downloading off the 'Net at the time of the Accident. Leela is in control of defensive and sensor systems. The third computer, Tycho, from the same game was a homicidal maniac, so Duane instead built the third personality from scratch, creating...
*Excel XL. Duane's only referent (he's *not* much of an anime fan) for her was the Undocumented Features fanfic, so he cheated a bit and added in some Cowboy Bebop to arrive at the third of the triumvirate. Other than an extremely odd pattern of speech and the occasional piece of info she "just happened to have" from hacking the NSA/NASA/TESB/TLA, she *seems* to be completely reliable...
Known Crew Quirks:
"The Accident": Duane is the only person known to have gotten *drunk* on 'fermented' 'Wavium, due to an accident with the old pressure cooker he was breeding it in. It coated the computers and most of his library when it exploded; he spent a week he still doesn't remember drunk out of his mind on the stuff, and ended up with mathematical abilities to make Reed Richards cry, a *massive* three-day-Tiajuana-drunk-on-cheap-tequilla hangover...and a Black Box he doesn't remember building.
"Yes, but does it go with my eyes?": June is a clotheshorse par excellance. She has not yet been seen twice at any con in the same costume (somethimes three or four costume changes daily), and likes to show off her eye-popping figure and waist-length hair.
"Roll 3D6 and divide by purple": the crew are avid role-playing gamers and Discordians, and like their settings to match their sense of humor, i.e. *massively* weird. They're still looking for the Floating Vagabond out in the 'Belt in their free time...
Faction: Long Heinleinian, Discordian Pope
Home Port: Wellington International Spaceport, New Zealand
Current Location: Phobos, Mars
Status: ACTIVE