Ship Name: Hyperspace Vespa
Created by: Kevin Vanderhoef (manytales00)
Registry Number: Currently Unregistered
Base Hull: Dirty Yellow Vespa.
Drive Type: Speed (Quantum Zen Reactionless drive) (max velocity R-17; Consistant with ariving at destination no more than five minutes late.)
Owner of Record: Pending.
Flag of Record: None.
Purpose: Runabout. Not intended for racing.
Launched: Unknown
Middle Aged Male(?) with Electric Guitar. Name Unknown.
Created by: Kevin Vanderhoef (manytales00)
Registry Number: Currently Unregistered
Base Hull: Dirty Yellow Vespa.
Drive Type: Speed (Quantum Zen Reactionless drive) (max velocity R-17; Consistant with ariving at destination no more than five minutes late.)
Owner of Record: Pending.
Flag of Record: None.
Purpose: Runabout. Not intended for racing.
Launched: Unknown
Middle Aged Male(?) with Electric Guitar. Name Unknown.