I'd think with fenspace, you'd really have to say "a spiritual center" rather than "the spiritual center". I'm *sure* it's a matter of debate.
Also, as a sidebar, I'd tend to think that the "Foglios" would draw in a lot of generic fans of SCIENCE! - there are a lot of people who enjoy Narbonic, GG, Miracle of Science, and others of like nature, who would naturally tend to congregate with one another, while not necessarily focusing on any *particular* mad science tropes. Mind you, it's entirely possible that they'd get lumped in together as Foglios, and they care little enough about what Those Fools At The University think that they pobably don't care, but the faction *itself* is likely a lot more random. The XXXenophile fans, I suspect, would focus on biomods for immoral purposes, including a number of people who went into it wanting to Be Someone (thing?) Else, and may well have a rather (un?)healthy connection with the Hentai Brigade.
The mad scientists would also almost certainly have a subfaction of Igors. They also tend to blur the Black Hat/White Hat lines a lot more than most, both in terms of being more on the edge themselves and in terms of getting along with those of their ilk who've gone over entirely. (Of course, it's not necessarily what other people would consider to be "getting along" to begin with. They *do* tend to be rather... competitive.) Between the two factors, a the Mads as a whole have picked up a bit of a bad reputation - and the fact that a number of them tend to be actually crazy in potentially scary ways from brain-affecting handwavium doesn't really help.
Yes, there really *are* people who go to the professor for a biomod... and everyone who's ever asked for one has gotten one.
Also, as a sidebar, I'd tend to think that the "Foglios" would draw in a lot of generic fans of SCIENCE! - there are a lot of people who enjoy Narbonic, GG, Miracle of Science, and others of like nature, who would naturally tend to congregate with one another, while not necessarily focusing on any *particular* mad science tropes. Mind you, it's entirely possible that they'd get lumped in together as Foglios, and they care little enough about what Those Fools At The University think that they pobably don't care, but the faction *itself* is likely a lot more random. The XXXenophile fans, I suspect, would focus on biomods for immoral purposes, including a number of people who went into it wanting to Be Someone (thing?) Else, and may well have a rather (un?)healthy connection with the Hentai Brigade.
The mad scientists would also almost certainly have a subfaction of Igors. They also tend to blur the Black Hat/White Hat lines a lot more than most, both in terms of being more on the edge themselves and in terms of getting along with those of their ilk who've gone over entirely. (Of course, it's not necessarily what other people would consider to be "getting along" to begin with. They *do* tend to be rather... competitive.) Between the two factors, a the Mads as a whole have picked up a bit of a bad reputation - and the fact that a number of them tend to be actually crazy in potentially scary ways from brain-affecting handwavium doesn't really help.
Yes, there really *are* people who go to the professor for a biomod... and everyone who's ever asked for one has gotten one.