Nope. The three extra points are for the Perks. I don't know why they weren't added to the bottom total like everything else was. Must be a quirk in
the program that I was using to create the stats.
Does it seem OK to everyone? Any quibbles or problem-points? I'm hoping to put up the 2012 version next - the one soon after SOS-con, since the biomod was
right before the con started. That'll will be a pain to work up - got to figure out how to stat up certain limitations and all. Going to have to work my
way back through the books again, and see what I can come up with. Then finish up with the version for 2015 or so.
Also - should there be any handwavium skills or advantages/disadvantages that we should add to the possibilities? Right now, I was going with using an existing
skill with handwavium as a catalyst for what you're attempting, but I'm not sure if that's what everyone else would be going for. Ideas? TL8^ still appropriate, for Fenspace proper? For Earth, yes...but at this point I think we've introduced so many things to the mix
that...well...quite frankly, we're a mish-mash of ultra-tech. By GURPS standards, anyway...I was reading over the Biotech book, and what they considered
high-level biotech and, well....World-Trees are TL11. Plants that can produce animals are TL12 (Passenger pigeon plants, anyone?). Not to mention the computer
tech and everything else. Do we want to tweak/reconsider the TL for the GURPS template?
the program that I was using to create the stats.
Does it seem OK to everyone? Any quibbles or problem-points? I'm hoping to put up the 2012 version next - the one soon after SOS-con, since the biomod was
right before the con started. That'll will be a pain to work up - got to figure out how to stat up certain limitations and all. Going to have to work my
way back through the books again, and see what I can come up with. Then finish up with the version for 2015 or so.
Also - should there be any handwavium skills or advantages/disadvantages that we should add to the possibilities? Right now, I was going with using an existing
skill with handwavium as a catalyst for what you're attempting, but I'm not sure if that's what everyone else would be going for. Ideas? TL8^ still appropriate, for Fenspace proper? For Earth, yes...but at this point I think we've introduced so many things to the mix
that...well...quite frankly, we're a mish-mash of ultra-tech. By GURPS standards, anyway...I was reading over the Biotech book, and what they considered
high-level biotech and, well....World-Trees are TL11. Plants that can produce animals are TL12 (Passenger pigeon plants, anyone?). Not to mention the computer
tech and everything else. Do we want to tweak/reconsider the TL for the GURPS template?