Mal, Noah owns the name for Space Shuttle Columbia. You want it? Give the ship to Sora. Noah will let HER name it Columbia, and everything's nice and legal.
Before we continue this particular slapfight, I did some digging (Research? In my Fenspace? It's more likely than you think!) into exactly what copyrights/trademarks NASA actually owns (and therefore could sell to Stellvia).
Out of all of the terabytes of text, photos, line drawings, blueprints, artwork and assorted miscellaney generated by NASA over the last 50 years, only *three* images are held under copyright: the two logo variants & the agency seal. Everything else - and I mean *everything* not under a security clearance - is officially public domain material. This may mean that the whole "Stellvia buys everything" scenario might need some rethinking. JSYK.---
Mr. Fnord
Mr. Fnord interdimensional man of mystery
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