Open Character
Winry Rockbell, Nee Josephine Taylor, was born and raised in Missouri, and grew up as the sole, tomboy daughter of a farmer, as her mother died in childbirth. When her father passed away (died from a stroke, 'doc claims he basically just saw a flash of light.. and was gone), Josephine sold the farm and hitched a ride 'Up'.
The Winry Rockbell thing came about after her first real exposure to fandom, an unofficial home-brew 'Becons We Con' on The Island, and at 3am, surrounded by fisherbots, she had an epihany.
like most Fen, her blood-caffeine, blood-sugar, and blood-pocky levels at the time of this epiphany were most likely nearly cosmic.
Since then, she's taken on the 'persona' of Winry, from Fullmetal Alchemist, and it wasn't that big of a stretch. Her upbringing has given her a fairly in-depth real-world knowledgebase of hardtech in heavy and light machinery, and her interests were already taking her towards biomechanical engineering. After her 'change', as she calls it, she began an accelerated course of study, what was laughingly referred to as a "Journeyman Ronin" phase in a bar.
Not surprisingly, it worked. She's a master level cybernetic repair and interface specialist, and a dab hand at cybernetic prosthesis design. She's maintained her larger-scale engineering skills as well, and is a "fair to middlin" mechanic at most any scale.
Winry is that rarest of rare breeds in Fenspace, a well-balanced individual. She's almost always happy, and has no major 'triggers', or even major traumas to _be_ triggered. Just.. don't be stupid with your cybernetics, or you'll hear about it!
Winry's past is a wide-open book to those who have become close to her, and she has nothing, really, to hide. She tends to wear her heart on her sleeve, even if she isn't as exuberant and outwardly emotive as some of the wilder Fen. She is quite pleased with the idea of marrying in the 'conventional, boring, American' sense of the term, and has her eye out for the "Right Man", but is in no hurry to find him, and wants a long relationship and engagement. Winry wants childern, but only after at least a year of marriage (no sense rushing in, she says)
She has no cybernetic upgrades, and has not been biomodded. Her faction affiliations are ++Cybers, +The Island (Residence), +Space Rocks, Inc, +Hephaestus, ++Senshi, ++BBI, ++Grover's Corners, -Professor, -Morden, ----Boskone. She is not a Blue Blazer Irregular, or a Knight Rider. She is a reserve Sammie.
Winry has purchased a second-hand "Space Vespa", and accompanying suit. The vehicle in question is neither very fast nor very powerful, but is capable of towing a surprisingly large mass. Reactionless unique handwavium drive system, single spinal-mounted coilgun, no defensive fields. Her suit is an early-model "Fen Special", and is also fairly unremarkable, save for its impressive number of pockets. All of her equipment is well maintained, clean, and operational. Wire Geek - Burning the weak and trampling the dead since 1979Wire Geek - Burning the weak and trampling the dead since 1979
Winry Rockbell, Nee Josephine Taylor, was born and raised in Missouri, and grew up as the sole, tomboy daughter of a farmer, as her mother died in childbirth. When her father passed away (died from a stroke, 'doc claims he basically just saw a flash of light.. and was gone), Josephine sold the farm and hitched a ride 'Up'.
The Winry Rockbell thing came about after her first real exposure to fandom, an unofficial home-brew 'Becons We Con' on The Island, and at 3am, surrounded by fisherbots, she had an epihany.
like most Fen, her blood-caffeine, blood-sugar, and blood-pocky levels at the time of this epiphany were most likely nearly cosmic.
Since then, she's taken on the 'persona' of Winry, from Fullmetal Alchemist, and it wasn't that big of a stretch. Her upbringing has given her a fairly in-depth real-world knowledgebase of hardtech in heavy and light machinery, and her interests were already taking her towards biomechanical engineering. After her 'change', as she calls it, she began an accelerated course of study, what was laughingly referred to as a "Journeyman Ronin" phase in a bar.
Not surprisingly, it worked. She's a master level cybernetic repair and interface specialist, and a dab hand at cybernetic prosthesis design. She's maintained her larger-scale engineering skills as well, and is a "fair to middlin" mechanic at most any scale.
Winry is that rarest of rare breeds in Fenspace, a well-balanced individual. She's almost always happy, and has no major 'triggers', or even major traumas to _be_ triggered. Just.. don't be stupid with your cybernetics, or you'll hear about it!
Winry's past is a wide-open book to those who have become close to her, and she has nothing, really, to hide. She tends to wear her heart on her sleeve, even if she isn't as exuberant and outwardly emotive as some of the wilder Fen. She is quite pleased with the idea of marrying in the 'conventional, boring, American' sense of the term, and has her eye out for the "Right Man", but is in no hurry to find him, and wants a long relationship and engagement. Winry wants childern, but only after at least a year of marriage (no sense rushing in, she says)
She has no cybernetic upgrades, and has not been biomodded. Her faction affiliations are ++Cybers, +The Island (Residence), +Space Rocks, Inc, +Hephaestus, ++Senshi, ++BBI, ++Grover's Corners, -Professor, -Morden, ----Boskone. She is not a Blue Blazer Irregular, or a Knight Rider. She is a reserve Sammie.
Winry has purchased a second-hand "Space Vespa", and accompanying suit. The vehicle in question is neither very fast nor very powerful, but is capable of towing a surprisingly large mass. Reactionless unique handwavium drive system, single spinal-mounted coilgun, no defensive fields. Her suit is an early-model "Fen Special", and is also fairly unremarkable, save for its impressive number of pockets. All of her equipment is well maintained, clean, and operational. Wire Geek - Burning the weak and trampling the dead since 1979Wire Geek - Burning the weak and trampling the dead since 1979