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[META] Would the owners of these ships...
[META] Would the owners of these ships...
Pursuant to my Writers Guide project...

Folks, these two ships are reasonably important to Fenspace, but arent yet in the Ship Registry. Would the creators be kind enough to fill in the blanks, fix
whatever I got wrong, and post them to the Registry, please?

This ones almost complete. I couldnt find any hints to a maximum speed in the story (Id guess 0.07c;
this would let her keep pace with The Inelegant Truth), I took an educated guess at the ships
Purpose, and I took the liberty of adding a Quartermaster to the crew roster (in accordance with the off-hand comments made in the storys thread)...

USS Stingray

(Duane Peters)

Registry Number: SSN 2161-X

Base Hull: Seawolf-class nuclear
attack submarine

Drive Type: Speed

Maximum Speed: _____

Owner of Record: United States Navy

Flag of Record: United States of America

Home Port: Norfolk, Virginia

Purpose: Showing the Flag - US Navy presence in space

Launched: as a spacecraft, March 31, 2012

Known Vehicle Quirks:

Cant hear you over the music! The drive requires loud Sousa marches being played in the engine room
to function. Very loud Sousa marches.

Operation: Petticoat The hull turns bright pink when the drive is engaged.

Known Crew:

Commander Tom Dodge (Captain)

Lieutenant Emily Lake (XO)

Lieutenant j.g. Wilhemina Willie Grumby (Dive Officer, Manoeuvring Officer)

Ensign McHale (Quartermaster)

CPO Aldous Howard (engineer)

Electronic Technician 2/c Nitro Jones

Sonar Technician 2/c E. T. Lovachelli

Reactor Technician 1/c Brad Stepanik-Winslow

Spots Sylvesterson (dive plane operator)

Known Crew Quirks:

No Danes Here: The crew is made up exclusively of Fen and Fendanes; they likely cleaned out the
entire USNs stock on non-Danes to find enough to crew the Stingray.

Three-Hour Tour: Willie Grumby is the daughter of two reasonably-famous castaways, and treats all of
the people marooned with her biological parents as her parents.

Faction: Fendane


* The Stingray has the highest percentage of female crew in the US Navy submarine service.

* The ship has a waved mini-sub (similar to a NR-1 nuclear rescue vehicle) as an auxiliary craft.

This ones less developed, but should still be mentioned because of its pivotal role in Fenspace history. Ive extrapolated what I hope is a reasonable Owner of
Record; if I goofed, feel free to erase that part...

USS Miranda


Registry Number: _____

Base Hull: one Large Array radio telescope

Drive Type: Speed (cola-uncola mutual annihilation engine; 80% efficient mass-energy conversion)

Maximum Speed: 500c

Owner of Record: Miranda Consortium (several major colleges including Cambridge, MIT, Sanford,
and Tokyo University; the SETI group; and many private individuals)

Flag of Record: Utopia Planitia, Mars

Home Port: Utopia Planitia, Mars

Purpose: Serious Astronomy

Launched: Winter 2009-2010

Known Vehicle Quirks:

Its five-year mission... The Miranda has
a sixty-month limit on its fuel supply, which can only be replenished in the Sol system. Other consumables need to be replaced more frequently, but can be
scavenged from comets and gas giants.



Faction: Half Dane, half Trekkie


* The Miranda is the result of probably the only wide-spread privately funded space program that
would ever exist.

* Theres a carefully maintained divide between the waved systems (drive, enviro, navigation) and the pure hardtech (astronomy, mainly), especially in the
computers. Serious Science has no room for waving hands.

I suspect Ill find more ships and people that should be in the respective stickies as I go along... If I do, Ill post mentions of them here.

Edit: My spelling-fu is the suxxors...

-Rob Kelk
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012

Messages In This Thread
[META] Would the owners of these ships... - by robkelk - 03-31-2007, 01:51 AM
Re: [META] Would the owners of these ships... - by Herr Bad Moon - 04-02-2007, 05:13 AM

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