I imagine the Jonova's witnesses would be a developement after someone comes up with a strain of biomodding 'weave that generally leaves brilliant green eyes along with whatever else.
Yes. Of course, one wonders what their theology would be... I'm getting horrible flashbacks to Sephiroth's zaniness in FFVII or whatsisname in Advent Children.
And I'm picturing folks walking around with excessively long weapons, and completely useless biomod wings, flight being difficult to achieve with only one wing...
There might be enough material in the long-haul for a gazetteer writeup on Fen religions (or cults, whatever) in general, but I figured it'd be easier to just zero in on a specific cluster for...well, what I originally posted up there.
If it seems cool, I'll probably toss it over to the Gazetteer thread in a bit.
-- Acyl