Quote:The nice thing about acceleration drives is their top speed is limited only by Einstein: burn one long enough and you'll get up to serious "what do you mean it's been three years, I left last Tuesday" relativistic velocities. Of course, they can only do that in a straight line...
Drive Type: Acceleration - 2 obscenely powerful ion engines each powered by a cola/uncola reactor (I blame whoever was responsible for the Miranda).
Top Speed: TBD
Anyway, the question isn't one of *speed* as it is how hard does she burn. My halfassed BOTE calculations (and this kids is why you shouldn't blow off your calculus classes) suggest that the Midnight needs to be able to do a *constant* burn of around 60-70 Gs in order to compete with Ptichka (which IIRC is the fastest speed drive ship of comparable size and mass). Better have gravity compensation inside the living spaces.
ETA: Changed my calculations.---
Mr. Fnord
Mr. Fnord interdimensional man of mystery
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