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[ORIGIN STORY]Gina and The Bullet Boy Express
[ORIGIN STORY]Gina and The Bullet Boy Express
Sorry I haven't been around lately. I noticed that someone's taken off without me, but that's okay. My bad anyways for not being around. I plead addiction to anime - my torrent for Eureka 7 finished downloading and I went nuts.
Anyhow, Since practically everyone else has done an origin story, I'd figure I should do one as well. Also, I need to get my character at such a point where he can believable disapear for the time I'm unable to post here. My Ship Date is starting to loom close and I think it'll be a while until I can do much of anything online (I know bootcamp's a given, but I dunno about A-School yet).
Anyhow, this is all, of course, pending approval. I may need to change some stuff in my character bio and ship information if it does all get approved.
(EDIT: For spelling fixes and such.)

It had been a month since I'd moved into my folks place. They'd moved out because Dad had picked up a job overseas, and I needed a place to crash because my roomies had suddenly had to move. Tim and Cathey because of Tim's new job. My sister, Liza, and her husband, Steve, because they needed room for the baby. At least I had a place to stay, but it sucked being alone. Sure, it was quiet and I certainly had personal space now... But I still had no one around to keep me company.
Late one night I was doing my usual thing online as any Internet geek would when I had heard about it: Handwavium. The Miracle Goop that enhances anything you apply it to. I did what any geek would do at that moment. I put word out that I wanted to get my hands on some and had money to pay for it. One month later, I received a somewhat large package from UPS. Overjoyed, I practically skipped my way to the dining room table and tore into the package with the zeal of a kid at Christmas time. And inside...
...was a Maxwell House coffee can.
I reached in and pulled the can free of it's bed of packing peanuts and noticed the weight of the can and the liberal application of duck tape over the top.
"Ooohhh-kaayyyyy..." I drawled. I carefully set the can aside and then began to leaf through the set of printouts that came inside the package. It was all about how I could get the stuff to reproduce and supposed uses. They weren't entirely sure as "Results -will- vary."
Well, not that I'm the domineering type, but I always knew what to do in order to get the sort of results I wanted. And glancing over at my computer, I knew where to start.
I had always been dissatisfied with the way my computer performed, and I'd be damned if I was gonna put up with it any longer. At first, upon opening the case, I thought about soaking each individual piece in Handwavium, but if I did that then they might become incompatible with each other. No, the best course here was to use a brush to coat the components with handwavium and then let it set. Sure, some disassembly would be needed, but just to get the Goop where it needed to be, and then back into the rig it would go.
So, with the use of a few screwdrivers and a one-inch paintbrush I coated every single component. Everything. Front and backside. The only exception I made was the hard drive, and with that, I simply un-mounted it from the case and let it soak in a small Tupperware container while still connected to the power supply and motherboard.
The power supply was something I disassembled and then treated. I wasn't sure what kind of power requirements the computer, which I had affectionately called Flowjet in the past, would have now that it was going to be Handwaviumized. Therefore, I was taking no chances and making sure that the components in the power supply got a proper treatment. Once done, I reassembled it and put it back into its proper place in the tower.
The CPU was a bit easier. I simply removed the heat sink and fan assembly and the CPU itself coated the whole thing (and the socket on the motherboard, too), then stuck it back in. A moment's thought about probable cooling needs came to mind so I treat the whole heat sink and fan assembly as well, and went on to treat all the other system fans, too.
I even went as far as to treat the DVD, Zip, and Floppy disc drives, inside and out, as well. I didn't know for sure what that would do, but I was hoping that it would be good.
All that done, I let it set in over night before putting the tower back into proper order and powering it up once more.
At first, it all seemed so great! The post went through a memory test for some reason. It doesn't usually do this unless there was a problem during the previous boot-up. Maybe it knew that something was different and was just making sure. Anyhow, I watched as the memory count went up. And up. And up.
How much is wow?
Somewhere between Ouch and Poing-oing-oing-oing-oing-oing-oing.
I could only imagine how big my hard drive was now, but I wouldn't get that chance for a while, because my computer picked that moment to do something odd.
I did not see the usual Windows logos and Microsoft copyrights while Windows was booting up, and even afterwards. Wherever any Microsoft or Windows logo or copyright was supposed to be was simply blank space. Everything else seemed fine though and I began to count my blessings, especially once I noticed how fast Flowjet was performing.
I then began to lookup information on how that one guy at Worldcon Yokohana got his car to fly. So far, this was looking very hopeful. With a minimum of messing around, he got his car to not only fly, but to go up into space! I then glanced out the window at the old VW Jetta sitting in the driveway and I could feel the shit-eating grin overtaking my face. Oh yeah, this was gonna be cool.
Very cool.
Black Aeronaut Technologies Group
Aerospace Solutions for the discerning spacer
"To the commissary we should go," Yoda declared firmly. "News
of this kind a danish requires."


Messages In This Thread
[ORIGIN STORY]Gina and The Bullet Boy Express - by Black Aeronaut - 01-25-2007, 04:58 PM
Re: [ORIGIN STORY]Gina and The Bullet Boy Express - by Kokuten - 01-26-2007, 03:30 AM
Re: [ORIGIN STORY]Gina and The Bullet Boy Express - by Sirrocco - 01-31-2007, 04:19 AM
Re: [ORIGIN STORY]Gina and The Bullet Boy Express - by Sirrocco - 02-01-2007, 09:35 AM
Re: [ORIGIN STORY]Gina and The Bullet Boy Express - by CattyNebulart - 02-02-2007, 04:43 AM
Re: [ORIGIN STORY]Gina and The Bullet Boy Express - by Sirrocco - 02-02-2007, 05:30 AM
And now the conclusion... - by Black Aeronaut - 08-25-2008, 02:31 PM
[No subject] - by robkelk - 08-25-2008, 03:19 PM
[No subject] - by Black Aeronaut - 08-26-2008, 09:27 AM

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