Quote:Caveat: Assuming that the attacking bit of hardtech and resisting bit of wavetech are of relatively equal scales. Or vice versa. A Yugo or Trabant is not going to suddenly become proof against a 16" gun or an Exocet.
- Rule #5: Force on force, handwavium against hardtech, the handwavium will win almost every time. There are exceptions, but they are few and far between, and will cause a great many people to suddenly become concerned. This includes things like piercing handwavium-reinforced hulls.
Interestingly, handwaving also makes it easier to do things like cool a umpty-megawatt laser, or cram a safe nuclear reactor into a small volume. Imagine that. *innocent, innocent*
In my mind, #s 1, 3, and 4 would all actually fall under 8.
While I agree with #s 2 10, 11, and 13, I don't think that they were actually laid out and discussed, as such.
...aahh.... yeah.
Drama >= Stat Points.
Stat Points >= 'Mine is Cooler'.
I'd consider Drogn's entry a good example of this. I had some serious doubts about the initial proposal he posted.
He wrote it up and made it work.
That last is the important part.
Quote:Certainly I never got that memo.
Everybody's forgotten this - hell, I've forgotten it most of the time - but the central precept isn't that the Mundanes aren't using handwavium at all because it's dangerous and scary, they're not using handwavium for the purposes the fen are using it for because, frankly, they can think of better shit to do with handwavium than colonize space while pretending to be Klingons and space heroes and all that. They're building Utopia on their terms: nice, peaceful, prosperous and maybe a bit dull, while the fen are building Utopia on their terms: free, wooly, full of excitement, adventure and really wild things.
That said... OMFG YES.
Ja, -n
"Puripuri puripuri... Bang!"