Well, now I remember another reason as to why the Express is 'parked' in the main bay pending unloading.
Fendom, despite occasional claims to the contrary, is prone to just as many foibles as the mundies. One of the most annoying being what I term the Pirhana Effect. Also trope-d as Give-Them-A-Finger-And-They'll-Take-Your-Arm-Off. Or at least it should be.
Employing a mixture of three skills essential to every Con-goer (*dum dum dum dum dum dum*) - the Nothing-Wrong-Here-Smile, the Elbows-Of-Poking, and the Art-Of-Crowd-Step - we finally managed to make our way out of the throng of rabid Matsumotoites.
Usually, I don't mind these guys. Hell, Scales was one of them back when we were working on the Express, and probably still is.
Come to think of it, that was easier than I thought it'd be.
"We did not just see Mal decking ..." I started, the reconsidered my statement. The 'sky' proceeded to repeat the recording of the incident in a short loop.
There was Mal.
There was Mal's fist.
"No, I think we did," Maetel corrected with a laugh, then stood on her toes and gave the conquering hero a small wave over the top of the crowd.
"Well, here's to familiar faces, then."
Hmm, and there was the Village of Hidden Asteroid, in the process of setting up their stand as close to the middle of the promenade's far end as they'd managed to wrangle from Phobos' representatives. I meant that literally. Far as I could tell, they were using that antigrav kitbash I sent their way last time I was visiting - because, hey, cute asian girls in skimpy ani-ninja wear? Yeah.
Though how the hell they expected people to be able to get up there, I had no idea. Should occur to them in a few minutes, methinks.
It was still a bit until ... well, whatever that stage was there for would be happening, or so the so called 'schedule' we'd snagged on the lift said, and I'd never been much for mingling.
Damn. So much for random timesinks. Apparently, Phobos admins still remembered me.
"This'll take a while, I think. You might want to get out of the blast radius," I shrugged at Maetel's inquisitive look, before she caught my meaning and trailed off as to not be caught in whatever it was that was heading this way.
Yup, that looked like what passed for the locals' uniform. Or close enough to it, at least.
I proceeded to spend the next half-hour sprouting assurances that, yes, the Uncertainty was here but Trigon was properly secured and entertained and, no, he wouldn't try reenacting the tunnel run from Return of the Jedi in Phobos' interior.
When tact is required, use brute force. When force is required, use greater force.
When the greatest force is required, use your head. Surprise is everything. - The Book of Cataclysm