Quote:Yes, yes he does.
Firvulag - don't you wish I'd released the specs for those music clips just a little earlier?
It turns out I was wrong about those half finished projects. Apparently Dru'd been less than enthused about building the Exo than I had thought and had pushed one of his projects through to completion. He'd finally gotten the legal stuff worked out would be taking orders for print on demand books for the first time at the Con. Not a new business idea, really, but they'd be legal copies of books owned by dirtside publishing houses.
It also meant that he'd worked the worst of the kinks out of the pulp paper and rag paper portions of his recycling project. Yeah, that's us junkmen of the Solar System. Want something thrown out, we'll take it and either clean it up and sell it or take it apart for materials.
Getting back on topic, sure books are heavy and there's electronic copies of just about everything, but there's something comforting about having an actual book in your hands. Thumping someone over the head with a hardcover
copy of the CRC handbook is far more effective than using the electronic version.
Kale is just itching for the chance to challenge someone to a friendly duel. Although unabridged Oxford English Dictionaries at ten paces isn't terribly friendly in my opinion, given the masses involved.
We had finished setting up our booth, and I was trying to convince the toaster oven and foreman grill that they were on different power circuits when there was a sudden roar of voices from far down the concours. I could hear a woman
yelling something over the crowd, but couldn't make out what she was saying. Then there was a sudden panic, the sound of a weapon being discharged and the riot started in earnest.
As it seemed like the Con was off to a slow start I went back to my work, and by forcing a circuit diagram proving my point into the oven was able to get it to start working.
I had the antburger browning nicely by the time Kale pushed his way out of the crowd so I thrust the spatula at him and informed him that it was his responsability now, since he'd buggered off during setup. I also warned him to keep the blast radius of his cooking down as much as possible. He assured me he would, which meant we'd only be cleaning up this quarter of Phobos station, and I went out into the crowd.
The sad thing is the friend Kale is based on really does cook with a blast radius. My poor kitchen *sob*.
Oh, and the exo project is a Jovian Defence Force Pathfinder should any one care (abuot a third of the way down the page):