Quote:Part of my idea behind the Blue Blazer Irregulars is that some fennish folks don't want to go haring off into space in flying cars. They'd rather fix the ozone layer, or cure cancer, or help the homeless, or keep the government in line, or a thousand other altruistic practices. In canon, Buckaroo is a hero that betters society, and the Irregulars are interested in more than just expanding humanity to the stars. What I hope to do is portray a group that are an intermediary between the Mundanes and the Fen, someone who can help Humanity as a whole, rather than just a section of it.Ebony the Black Dragon
The Mundanes aren't sitting at home gnashing their teeth at fandom's expansion into space, they just don't care. They've got better things to worry about, like coming up with sleeker iPods or reversing global warming or the next season of Lost. Space is at best a sideshow, at worst a round of fearmongering reports on CNN, but either way not a concern to 99.99% of mundanes. The reason fen have had the freedom to expand into the solar system - and beyond - isn't because of some innate superiority, it's because they're the only ones who want to.
Senior Editor, Living Room Games
Ebony the Black Dragon
"Good night, and may the Good Lord take a Viking to you."