Quote: On a slightly more serious note, having thought about the egg plant some more. Since we've already established that beef is a rarity in Fenspace...weWould the Butterflies be attracted to freshly popped popcorn?
need a dairy section. I THINK I could tinker up some milkweed. Both white and chocolate varieties. I could try to make butterflies too, I suppose, though I
think the Xanth fans would be after me for stealing their puns. *chuckle* Still, should be able to make some sort of plant that produced butter...and maybe
cheese, too? That might be a bit harder. Have to think about it.
Biomod Kudzu so that it can be converted into a type of petroleum product
How about some actual "Beef-Steak" Tomatoes then? Just slice to the desired thickness and grill.
While we're at it, has any body considered biomodding hive type insects? mod a Queen Ant/Bee to tie them into the local data-net? for use as security
drones, and life support maintenance.