Quote:No, Dr. Grey didn't take A.C Peters process for turning into whatever. I was referring to her public campaign to discourage people from thinking her as Sailor Mars. It does influence her a bit, since she's got so much handwavium in her. Dr. Grey would do the other way around by encouraging people to think of him as a god.
Let me try and clear this up a bit. A.C. strongly discourages the labling of herself as Sailor Mars by the Senshi because she does not like it, but there is no out-and-out campaign to do so. BUT, and this is important, A.C. does not interfere with the beliefs of others unless they are demonstratable wrong. Religious freedom and all that.
A.C.'s thoughts on how peoples perceptions are changing her are stored in a personally encrypted file on her personal laptop in a locked section of the hard disk otherwise unseeable and behind some really effective firewalls when she DOES turn on the network adaptors (and this is tech from BEFORE Lebia and Eddie). She didn't really become aware of the influence of belief on herself until much later.
Quote:Handwavium is influenced by people's thoughts.
That is how *I* came up with the idea to use with A.C. It is common knowledge to anyone who works the 'Wave (IMO), so the idea of a smart person (and there are a LOT of smart people in Fenspace) using it the the way kentmagus suggests Dr. Grey doing it is pretty easy.
Quote:I don't know which bad parts. I thought it was in the gazetteer he was personally responsible for Kandor City and that's why he got kicked out of the Supers. I'm certain something detestable will come up.
It isn't until after Boskone Prime falls that Fenspace knows he SURVIVED his exile. Given http://drunkardswalkforums.yuku.com/top ... iomod.html]this thread, I'd say he got a little to vigourous in his biomod experiments. (Yes I gave him a name when I made the Most Wanted list, but I was just picking out ideas.) Perhaps he got a little too much exposure to odd chamicals?