Hmmm... Could pose for some interesting things. It'd provide a good work around for that quirk of all the other clones reacting if she had a hot and steamy kiss with someone (not Benjamin - Gina would kill him ).
I was thinking originally that the A10 clips would be like Gina's - hard-mounted to her skull and an integral part of her nervous system. But the other idea has merit, too.
Oh, the comedy has endless potential! And I forgot that Greenwood has Rei's already for their staff. D'OH!!! :x
Well... If the others have no problem with it... Gina is going to freak out, get very angry, then get very nervous until she settles into her comfort zone with Jess, because not only is she just like Rei with a decent personality, but she's got the whole duplicate doll thing going. That above all just plain weirds her out. That and I can hardly wait until Jess hits it off with one of the other Roughriders and we have scenes like this one...
Yes, they'll be numbered in Japanese because Jess is a bit of a Japanophile. And if the NXE haters out there don't like it, then they'll just have to deal. It's just to make it easier to keep official track of her clones - they'll all answer to 'Jessica' or just 'Jess.'
I was thinking originally that the A10 clips would be like Gina's - hard-mounted to her skull and an integral part of her nervous system. But the other idea has merit, too.
Oh, the comedy has endless potential! And I forgot that Greenwood has Rei's already for their staff. D'OH!!! :x
Well... If the others have no problem with it... Gina is going to freak out, get very angry, then get very nervous until she settles into her comfort zone with Jess, because not only is she just like Rei with a decent personality, but she's got the whole duplicate doll thing going. That above all just plain weirds her out. That and I can hardly wait until Jess hits it off with one of the other Roughriders and we have scenes like this one...
Quote:Suddenly, Jess froze in mid-sentence, her moon-white skin suddenly turning a flourid red.As for what happens after an extended period of time off of the A10's? Well, I think it would be a lot like when the Tachikoma's synchronise with each other constantly in Ghost in the Shell: SAC 2nd Gig. The original persona will reassert itself while the experiences become amalgamated into the collective... You know, 'Collective' actually sounds like a good name for her Biomod.
Benjamin raised an eyebrow and said, "You forgot your A10 clips again, didn't you?"
"Gah! Yes! I'msososorryIpromiseitwillneverhappenagainIswearit!!!"
Gina gave Ben a horrified look. "I am -never- getting any extra bodies made for me."
Yes, they'll be numbered in Japanese because Jess is a bit of a Japanophile. And if the NXE haters out there don't like it, then they'll just have to deal. It's just to make it easier to keep official track of her clones - they'll all answer to 'Jessica' or just 'Jess.'