Quote:Bob_Shroeck wrote:Heh, thanks! ^_^;;
Obviously at least one story involving this crew had to be called "Keeping Up With the Joneses".
Looks like a lot of potential, BA!
Yeah, that'll be a fun story. I think it'll be a day-in-the-life story that goes round-robin with each member and involve a healthy dose of the other inhabitants of 36 Atalante. They're definitely going to liven the place up when they arrive post-OGJ. Radmobile building his Megas alone is going to make things interesting.
Quote:robkelk wrote:Gah! Meant idyllic. Friggin' ship's computers lack spellcheckers.
Oh, good - somebody to be in charge of Monster Island! (Oh, is "idealic " supposed to be "idealistic" or "idyllic"?)
Glad that someone loves the idea of Monster Island. I was a bit worried that someone might think I was pushing it a bit too far. Resident monsters will include classics like Godzilla and Rodan, as well as some new ones like Slyther and the Blue Eyes White Dragon of Yu-Gi-Oh! fame, and even some of the legendary pokemon from blue-red-green and silver-gold-crystal. I imagine that Mackenzie is going to be doing a lot of work with Lilo and Stitch.
Radmobile is going to be one of those obnoxious guys that loves games, fast cars, fast food, and big explosions, but you can't help but love him anyways because he is just full of awesome. Women should stay clear of his handwaviumized stereo system, though, as it has a quirk of blasting their clothes off when the knob on the master volume is turned to '11'.
Jimmy's going to see about attending the Ninja Academy as long as Ben can broker a deal with their leader (gone blank on the name) - that being that he'll pay to have Jimmy there as a 'security consultant and medic nin' on a full time basis, except at times when he's needed back at the Village.
Robby is going to be the most normal of them all, except that he seems to be following Benjamin's lead. He's got an F-EZig that he's been slowly putting together and no one but Robby is quite sure of what its capabilities are going to be. Not even Benjamin knows for sure, but he has some idea since Robby comes to him the most with questions like, "Should I go with the fusion torch or the turbo-charged ion drives?"
Carl will not only specialize in martial arts, but combat tactics in general. He'll be present at any planning boards for fleet activities.
Mom and Pop Jones, as well as everyone else, are going to get biomods through an incident. Whether it's going to be through a rash of cross-contamination incidents or a massive Handwavium spill, both will lead to 36 Atalante's big Handwavium Safety and You campaign. Mom is going to become an avatar character she onced used for her 'Trekkers Over Forty' group: a woman who is 1/16th Q (decent telekinesis and touch of precognition). Quirk is that she's gotta have a steady supply of chocolate in her diet. It has to be good chocolate, too. Hersheys will do in a pinch, but Godiva gives her the best pick-me-up. As for Pop, not quite sure. For being a Dane, he has a penchant for acting like a bad-ass... Momma Jones says he'd make a good Romulan.
Quote:robkelk wrote:They'll all be single and, to one extent or another, looking (except, of course, the parental units). ^_^
Are any of the family (other than the "parental units") married, or seriously dating anyone? A story about how the wife or girlfriend sees Fenspace would be interesting. And if Robby's single, the previously-introduced F-EZig pilot/mechanic Bronwyn Ffoulkes just might be interested in dating him...