*laughs* We could call them Great Pumpkins, Mal. Though if one of them were to develop sapience and rise out of its pumpkin patch under its own power, I'd
have to blame it on you. I think I like Timote's idea, though. Leave them as Giant Pumpkins in the catalog...and have some fan out there actually set
up a Peanuts-themed vehicle for the Great Pumpkin.
*grin* And Ben - these are just the biomods. The Jason IS a neopagan after all, and supplies normal seeds and such as well to the pagan community or for those
interested - herbs, both medicinal and cooking, as well as various other plants. He doesn't have a HUGE stock of them on hand, but he keeps enough for
regular customers and can get more as needed. If your Mom wants a nice selection of things for her gardens, she'll find more than enough here.
What's going to be REALLY fun are the next few catalogs after the Spring 2014 one. Because then the Jason will have the storage space in the Yggdrasil available, and will be able to offer even more seeds and such. Since he uses a lot of regular plants as starters for his
biomods, one of the things that he's planning is setting up a seed vault aboard the ship - tons of various heirloom varieties, levels set aside to keep
them propogated and so on. He's going to really NEED farmhands soon. Especially since he's got enough space to set things up in quadruplicate for the
regular farming levels and stagger seasons...one level has certain plants in spring, another has the same plantings in summer, and so on. Should be able to
keep the ship fully supplied with everything the crew will need, as well as supplying a few things that are unusual for Fenspace. I'm being VERY tempted by
heirloom apples right now....and Ranier cherries. Ahem...excuse me. I think I'll just nip along to the fridge for a Honeycrisp apple I got earlier today...
have to blame it on you. I think I like Timote's idea, though. Leave them as Giant Pumpkins in the catalog...and have some fan out there actually set
up a Peanuts-themed vehicle for the Great Pumpkin.
*grin* And Ben - these are just the biomods. The Jason IS a neopagan after all, and supplies normal seeds and such as well to the pagan community or for those
interested - herbs, both medicinal and cooking, as well as various other plants. He doesn't have a HUGE stock of them on hand, but he keeps enough for
regular customers and can get more as needed. If your Mom wants a nice selection of things for her gardens, she'll find more than enough here.
What's going to be REALLY fun are the next few catalogs after the Spring 2014 one. Because then the Jason will have the storage space in the Yggdrasil available, and will be able to offer even more seeds and such. Since he uses a lot of regular plants as starters for his
biomods, one of the things that he's planning is setting up a seed vault aboard the ship - tons of various heirloom varieties, levels set aside to keep
them propogated and so on. He's going to really NEED farmhands soon. Especially since he's got enough space to set things up in quadruplicate for the
regular farming levels and stagger seasons...one level has certain plants in spring, another has the same plantings in summer, and so on. Should be able to
keep the ship fully supplied with everything the crew will need, as well as supplying a few things that are unusual for Fenspace. I'm being VERY tempted by
heirloom apples right now....and Ranier cherries. Ahem...excuse me. I think I'll just nip along to the fridge for a Honeycrisp apple I got earlier today...