For the inspiration of the Collective. Rip apart as you see fit.
Oh, and Rob? No I haven't been reading your story notes. I was going on published information. (Maybe I should post the character notes I put together for Utena and Anthy to the Wiki.)
Senshi Organisation
The Senshi are a democratic Monarchy (not a Matriarchy as assumed, although women are far more likely to be elected), with a directly elected Parliament for the civilian government. The Monarch is elected for a 10 year stint, and upon taking the throne takes the Royal Name (i.e. Queens become Serenity, Kings become Endymion).
Queen Serenity I is the current Empress of Venus, and is head of the Privy Council. The other members of the Privy Council are Prime Minister Yoko Kayabuki, The Deputy Prime Minister, the Secretaries of State for Interior, Defence, and Planetary Development, Military Chief of Staff Crystal Senshi Hayakawa, and the Head of the Royal Council.
The Prime Minister runs the civilian government on the behalf of Her Majesty via a cabinet of Ministers. These ministers are commonly referred to as the Secretary of State for . Some ministries include:
* Ministry of Interior (The Home Minister)
* Ministry of Defence
* Ministry of Planetary Development
* Ministry of Education
* Ministry of The Treasury (The Chancellor of the Exchequer)
* Ministry of Health (The Surgeon General)
* Ministry of Law
* Ministry of Foreign Affairs
* Ministry of Technology
The Royal Council is a group of Peers of the Realm, and has an appointed Head. It includes such luminaries as the Chief Justice, the Military Chiefs of Staff, the Police Commissioner, and the Chancellor of the Exchequer. The only Non-Peer on the Royal Council is the Deputy Prime Minister, who serves as Official Liaison to Her Majesty's Government.
The Royal Council's role is to provide Her Majesty with information as to the Faction's emotional state, as well as provide some oversight on the civilian government. The Royal Council's other role is to monitor and occasionally recommend appointment to Her Majesty those Senshi who are Named.
{Yes, I'm creating a lot of crossover here. It needs work.}
Peers of the Realm
The Peers of the Realm of the Crystal Millennium (to give their full title) are what could be termed Factional BNFs. The vast majority of these are Knights (becoming Sir/Lady X Y), but there are a few Baroness' (who more or less run the larger Senshi colonies/enclaves outside of Venus alongside the civilian Governors), and one Countess (who runs the Senshi Shipbuilding facility at Mare Marginis).
There is the possibility of higher ranks, but Princesships are reserved for The Planetary Senshi (of whom there have been no official appointments).
The Named Senshi
A very small sub-sect of the Senshi are those who have earned the right to be Named after their normal posting (e.g. Yayoi Fujisawa is known as Sailor Stellvia). Named senshi act as Guardians of the Realm, and as such are technically agents of Her Majesty even if they can be totally independent of the Faction. Named senshi also are considered the senior Senshi for their posting (which up until her recent promotion caused some friction on Stellvia as this meant Yayoi (who was OF-03) was considered senior to Leda (who was OF-05))
How does A.C. Peters fit into this?
Ever since Kandor-Con, A.C. Peters has been unofficially adopted as Sailor Mars (due to her unintentionally near-perfect cosplay of said Senshi). Miss Peters has made public her dislike for this, however she is too polite to outright disassociate herself from the title (she doesn't like raining down on peoples' beliefs unless provably wrong). While she has been offered positions in the Faction, she has turned them down.
While the Senshi hold to this position due to popular support, A.C. doesn't have any official standing in the Faction. Unofficially however she has a lot of pull, and she knows this. She goes out of her way NOT to use this or draw attention to herself around Senshi (being a mistress of disguise helps with this).
Oh, and Rob? No I haven't been reading your story notes. I was going on published information. (Maybe I should post the character notes I put together for Utena and Anthy to the Wiki.)
Senshi Organisation
The Senshi are a democratic Monarchy (not a Matriarchy as assumed, although women are far more likely to be elected), with a directly elected Parliament for the civilian government. The Monarch is elected for a 10 year stint, and upon taking the throne takes the Royal Name (i.e. Queens become Serenity, Kings become Endymion).
Queen Serenity I is the current Empress of Venus, and is head of the Privy Council. The other members of the Privy Council are Prime Minister Yoko Kayabuki, The Deputy Prime Minister, the Secretaries of State for Interior, Defence, and Planetary Development, Military Chief of Staff Crystal Senshi Hayakawa, and the Head of the Royal Council.
The Prime Minister runs the civilian government on the behalf of Her Majesty via a cabinet of Ministers. These ministers are commonly referred to as the Secretary of State for . Some ministries include:
* Ministry of Interior (The Home Minister)
* Ministry of Defence
* Ministry of Planetary Development
* Ministry of Education
* Ministry of The Treasury (The Chancellor of the Exchequer)
* Ministry of Health (The Surgeon General)
* Ministry of Law
* Ministry of Foreign Affairs
* Ministry of Technology
The Royal Council is a group of Peers of the Realm, and has an appointed Head. It includes such luminaries as the Chief Justice, the Military Chiefs of Staff, the Police Commissioner, and the Chancellor of the Exchequer. The only Non-Peer on the Royal Council is the Deputy Prime Minister, who serves as Official Liaison to Her Majesty's Government.
The Royal Council's role is to provide Her Majesty with information as to the Faction's emotional state, as well as provide some oversight on the civilian government. The Royal Council's other role is to monitor and occasionally recommend appointment to Her Majesty those Senshi who are Named.
{Yes, I'm creating a lot of crossover here. It needs work.}
Peers of the Realm
The Peers of the Realm of the Crystal Millennium (to give their full title) are what could be termed Factional BNFs. The vast majority of these are Knights (becoming Sir/Lady X Y), but there are a few Baroness' (who more or less run the larger Senshi colonies/enclaves outside of Venus alongside the civilian Governors), and one Countess (who runs the Senshi Shipbuilding facility at Mare Marginis).
There is the possibility of higher ranks, but Princesships are reserved for The Planetary Senshi (of whom there have been no official appointments).
The Named Senshi
A very small sub-sect of the Senshi are those who have earned the right to be Named after their normal posting (e.g. Yayoi Fujisawa is known as Sailor Stellvia). Named senshi act as Guardians of the Realm, and as such are technically agents of Her Majesty even if they can be totally independent of the Faction. Named senshi also are considered the senior Senshi for their posting (which up until her recent promotion caused some friction on Stellvia as this meant Yayoi (who was OF-03) was considered senior to Leda (who was OF-05))
How does A.C. Peters fit into this?
Ever since Kandor-Con, A.C. Peters has been unofficially adopted as Sailor Mars (due to her unintentionally near-perfect cosplay of said Senshi). Miss Peters has made public her dislike for this, however she is too polite to outright disassociate herself from the title (she doesn't like raining down on peoples' beliefs unless provably wrong). While she has been offered positions in the Faction, she has turned them down.
While the Senshi hold to this position due to popular support, A.C. doesn't have any official standing in the Faction. Unofficially however she has a lot of pull, and she knows this. She goes out of her way NOT to use this or draw attention to herself around Senshi (being a mistress of disguise helps with this).