Quote: Could someone insult an HFB to the point where it self-destructs?I had considered making it so that insulting a Happy Fun Ball would cause it to multiply (initialy expanding in size to about three times its
volume then exploding leaving two(2) HFB's behind, but decided not to go there. (Still a possibility, but should take time, care, and be Very hard to do)
as that would make the HFB a form of 'Handwavium in it's own right.
Three possibilities:
1.) It becomes "Mentaly" agitated enough to burst into flames, and explode in a cloud of randomly colored smoke, and unpleasant Smell.
2.) As it gains speed it should begin to fragment on impact.
3.) Depending on the type of insults, it could also under go a "'Wave out", and return to being a normal tennis ball with a silly face drawn on