^ Registry Number: | (Various) |
^ Base Hull: | Stonewell-Bellcom Aerospace //Island Three// |
^ | Later Models Island Fancy, Unltd //Island Three// |
^ Drive Type: | Acceleration Drive (Gravitic Impeller) |
^ Drive Rating: | Standard Accel: 10g, Maximum 15g |
^ Drive Options: | Custom Spaceframe with FTL or other drive module |
^ Owner of Record: | (Various) |
^ Flag of Record: | (Various) |
^ Home Port: | (Various) |
^ Purpose: | Mobile Habitation |
^ Crew: | Minimum 30 plus robotic support for basic maintenace |
^ | Recommended 100+ for optimum support of population |
^ Passengers: | Varies with configuration, maximum recommended: 10,000 |
^ Status: | **Active** |
^ Attached craft: | Various personal spacecraft |
^ | 50 "Space Bus" Passenger Transport Vehicles (default order) |
^ | 100 C-8 Cargo/Personnel transport shuttles (default order) |
^ Armaments: | Ships with point defense only |
====== // Island Three // class Mobile Habitation ======
//(Created by Chris "ecs05norway" Nasipak//
Construction of the //Island-3// space habitats began shortly after the completion of the Boskone War. The leadership of several factions was seeing an increase in Daneside interest in their activities and Greenwood was one of several who welcomed further emigration out of the gravity well. To encourage this end they commissioned Stonewell-Bellcom Aerospace to design and begin construction of a series of large-scale habitats specifically intended for sale to Daneside customers.
The result was the //Island-Three//, inspired by the smaller components of the //Macross Frontier// colony convoy. The basic form is a cylinder with rounded ends, four kilometers long and approximately one kilometer diameter. The cylinder is divided roughly in half lengthwise, the "lower" portion divided into 15-meter-tall decks and allocated for life support equipment, manufacturing spaces, hydroponics/aeroponics, and consumables storage. The "upper" half is entirely devoted to a single residential deck, which can be constructed to customer specification or rebuilt by the customer after purchase. Most commonly this will include some space set aside for parkland and/or agriculture with other areas built up into an emulation of an earthside cityscape.
Unlike the O'Neill Cylinder that they resemble, the Island modules do not rotate to provide synthetic gravity, but employ sealed-unit handwavium-generated gravity modules. Similar sealed gravitic units provide the basic drive system, although that can be swapped out for an alternative system should the customer request it.
The first batch of habitats used Hephaestus-built thorium-fission reactors as their primary power supply. By 2019, data from the ESA/JAXA fusion project had allowed Greenwood tech teams to complete an abandoned TSAB retro-engineering product and begin producing He3/H2 fusion reactors to provide power.
Sale of the Island class habitats rapidly outstripped that of Space Rocks, with many buyers pointing out the more convenient size and the open nature of its build plan. Construction was mostly automated, making extensive use of the excess nickel-iron extracted during asteroid mining and space rock construction, allowing the initial batch to be completed very quickly. By 2020, at least two independant Earthside groups had purchased habitats with a stardrive module to enable interstellar emigration and colonization, several governments were establishing their own colonies in various regions of the Solar System, and Greenwood had purchased several internally for their own interstellar expeditions.
===== Known Vehicle Quirks =====
* //"I canna' break the laws of physics, Captain!"// - Being of almost entirely hardtech construction, the Island habitat is (mostly) subject to the normal Newtonian/Einsteinian laws of physics.
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
^ Registry Number: | (Various) |
^ Base Hull: | Stonewell-Bellcom Aerospace //Island Three// |
^ | Later Models Island Fancy, Unltd //Island Three// |
^ Drive Type: | Acceleration Drive (Gravitic Impeller) |
^ Drive Rating: | Standard Accel: 10g, Maximum 15g |
^ Drive Options: | Custom Spaceframe with FTL or other drive module |
^ Owner of Record: | (Various) |
^ Flag of Record: | (Various) |
^ Home Port: | (Various) |
^ Purpose: | Mobile Habitation |
^ Crew: | Minimum 30 plus robotic support for basic maintenace |
^ | Recommended 100+ for optimum support of population |
^ Passengers: | Varies with configuration, maximum recommended: 10,000 |
^ Status: | **Active** |
^ Attached craft: | Various personal spacecraft |
^ | 50 "Space Bus" Passenger Transport Vehicles (default order) |
^ | 100 C-8 Cargo/Personnel transport shuttles (default order) |
^ Armaments: | Ships with point defense only |
====== // Island Three // class Mobile Habitation ======
//(Created by Chris "ecs05norway" Nasipak//
Construction of the //Island-3// space habitats began shortly after the completion of the Boskone War. The leadership of several factions was seeing an increase in Daneside interest in their activities and Greenwood was one of several who welcomed further emigration out of the gravity well. To encourage this end they commissioned Stonewell-Bellcom Aerospace to design and begin construction of a series of large-scale habitats specifically intended for sale to Daneside customers.
The result was the //Island-Three//, inspired by the smaller components of the //Macross Frontier// colony convoy. The basic form is a cylinder with rounded ends, four kilometers long and approximately one kilometer diameter. The cylinder is divided roughly in half lengthwise, the "lower" portion divided into 15-meter-tall decks and allocated for life support equipment, manufacturing spaces, hydroponics/aeroponics, and consumables storage. The "upper" half is entirely devoted to a single residential deck, which can be constructed to customer specification or rebuilt by the customer after purchase. Most commonly this will include some space set aside for parkland and/or agriculture with other areas built up into an emulation of an earthside cityscape.
Unlike the O'Neill Cylinder that they resemble, the Island modules do not rotate to provide synthetic gravity, but employ sealed-unit handwavium-generated gravity modules. Similar sealed gravitic units provide the basic drive system, although that can be swapped out for an alternative system should the customer request it.
The first batch of habitats used Hephaestus-built thorium-fission reactors as their primary power supply. By 2019, data from the ESA/JAXA fusion project had allowed Greenwood tech teams to complete an abandoned TSAB retro-engineering product and begin producing He3/H2 fusion reactors to provide power.
Sale of the Island class habitats rapidly outstripped that of Space Rocks, with many buyers pointing out the more convenient size and the open nature of its build plan. Construction was mostly automated, making extensive use of the excess nickel-iron extracted during asteroid mining and space rock construction, allowing the initial batch to be completed very quickly. By 2020, at least two independant Earthside groups had purchased habitats with a stardrive module to enable interstellar emigration and colonization, several governments were establishing their own colonies in various regions of the Solar System, and Greenwood had purchased several internally for their own interstellar expeditions.
===== Known Vehicle Quirks =====
* //"I canna' break the laws of physics, Captain!"// - Being of almost entirely hardtech construction, the Island habitat is (mostly) subject to the normal Newtonian/Einsteinian laws of physics.
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.