Bob: Ad-Fen-tures in Babysitting it shall be! That is, if everyone else is in concurence. ^_^;
Cobalt: I stand corrected.
Everyone Else: I've had a starting bit posted on the Etherpad for a bit now. Just waiting for anyone else to show up and poke at it. There's no logins
required and I don't need to be online for anyone to play around with it. Just be sure to use the chat window to leave notes about what you're up to.
Cobalt: I stand corrected.
Everyone Else: I've had a starting bit posted on the Etherpad for a bit now. Just waiting for anyone else to show up and poke at it. There's no logins
required and I don't need to be online for anyone to play around with it. Just be sure to use the chat window to leave notes about what you're up to.