Quote: blackaeronaut wrote:
Uhm... Dude. Folding -into- the system should be just as bad. Hell, if I could have my way about it, Midnight would be opening up wormholes all over
the place (she doesn't go for space-folding - you don't really 'go' anywhere).
Uhm... How big is this thing? It has to be over 2KM at some point to house that gravity lens of yours. (I'm not complaining about the existence of one -
hell, I've toyed with the idea - but on a ship?)
Quote: Ship Name: KzinrettiThe Ship itself is a cylinder. When your far enough to see the whole thing you won't necessarily notice the rigging which extends out another
Affiliation: Pirates/ Catgirl Assault Tribe
Classification: Dreadnaught/Carrier/Troop Transport
Nominal dimensions 2Km x 1Km
Drive type: Gravity fold/ speed based
Max speed: within Limit .05 c/ outside limit gravity/ space fold range ~ 5 lightyears
** Can fold to a location inside of limit after massive calculations and/or possible engine damage then it has "climb" outside of limit.
200m from the Hull at key points. When the Lens is active It looks like a Giant Cat's eye from the side. The Lens' primary function is not Offensive
it's used to collect light for the Hydroponics that help maintain life support. The laser, and Sensory Functions
are just a "pleasant" bonus.
As for Folding into the system, if some one knows what to look for, you will find a trail of what look like a cross between crumpled Origami, and free form
sculpture along the "wake" of the fold. These were the active drive nodes, and gravity generators. Fortunately at this size of space craft a bit of
redundancy can be built in.
You should also find the occasional transport that was "surfing" in the gravity wake of the fold.
A fold like this also produces the stellar equivalent of dragging a needle across a record. I'm fairly sure every one in the system "heard" the