Damn you, Fnord, for taking all those awesome names inspired/from the Culture series. Ah well, at least they now exist. Kudos on having one called the Undocumented Feature. Although, the one that sparks the best mental imagery is the It Was Like That When I Got Here. Yet there is one that I gotta ask about: what inspired Rolled A Twenty On The Random Encounter Table? With a name like that, you know there's got to be a story behind it.
Incidently, I noticed that while all the Starfleet ships have 'mundane' names, the VVS has all the hilarious ones. Do the VVS ships happen to have AIs as quirky as we've seen in the Culture novels?
Incidently, I noticed that while all the Starfleet ships have 'mundane' names, the VVS has all the hilarious ones. Do the VVS ships happen to have AIs as quirky as we've seen in the Culture novels?