Greenwood is host to a number of cats, especially in Marsden's residential areas. Residents of Greenwood City are fully permitted to keep what reasonable
pets they wish; birds, cats, dogs, and hamster-types are commonplace.
In addition, each ship in the GSS fleet has one or more Ship's Cats. It is the official business position of the management that rodents are a universal
factor in human existence, and a self-perpetuating automatic means of suppressing them is entirely desireable.
Rumors that Greenwood Cats are enhanced or biomodded in some manner tend to travel; staff politely avoid answering such questions.
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
pets they wish; birds, cats, dogs, and hamster-types are commonplace.
In addition, each ship in the GSS fleet has one or more Ship's Cats. It is the official business position of the management that rodents are a universal
factor in human existence, and a self-perpetuating automatic means of suppressing them is entirely desireable.
Rumors that Greenwood Cats are enhanced or biomodded in some manner tend to travel; staff politely avoid answering such questions.
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.